Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 The Worst

Malaysia's POV

After I picked up Victoria we went to have lunch at a restaurant. We sat in the booths and ordered our food.

"Soo how did y'all meet August" Cheyenne asked being extremely nosey

"He's in our science and math class. I met him the first day of school." I answered

"How do you have a class with him when he's a senior" Sydney asked raising an eyebrow.

"We take advanced classes" Victoria said easing the tension

"Doesn't he have a girlfriend" Sydney asked again

"Why are y'all so damn nosey" I asked getting slightly annoyed

"Yeah he dates Aaliyah" Victoria confirmed

We sat, ate, and talked then we all left to go home. I told August I'll meet him at 7. I put on some high waisted shorts with a graphic tank top tucked in and some Jays. I covered my outfit up with some sweatpants and a t shirt.

"Can I go with Victoria now?" I asked my mom

"What the hell did you just leave the house for then?" She asked

"I changed that to sister bonding time. We had fun" I answered as she sighed

"Where y'all going?" She asked

"I'm spending the night at her house"

"Alright and you better behave and when you done you better come straight home." She strernly announced as I nodded and left

"Aight see ya"

I walked out happy that she didn't try to pin my sisters on me but you can't be sure when your dealing with her. One time she stopped me as I was cranking up the car to send my sisters with me. I drove up the block and got to the park. I took off my sweats and shirt. Then I got out once I saw August.

"Hey Aug" I stated walking up to him

"What's up baby?" He asked as I blushed when he called me baby.

"Let's go for a walk" he suggested

"Alright a short walk since it's getting late."

As we began to walk we started talking to each and we had a lot in common. About mid way between our walk August grabbed my hand the same way he did during the first day of school. We began walking while holding hands. It felt so nice and weird at the same time. When we got to the nearest bench I pretended to have to tie my shoe. I placed my leg up on the the bench and bent over to tie my shoe. My ass was all in August's face. Then of course he smacked it. It wasn't a soft smack either. It was a hard ass smack making it feel like a whooping.

"What the hell was that?" I asked rubbing my butt

"Well you had your ass in my face so I assumed that you wanted me to smack it" he stated

"That wasn't a smack that was a damn whooping." I stated as he laughed

"Well I needed something to get your attention so we can continue this walk. You needed a little motivation"

We continued walking and August rubbed my ass again. This time he squeezed it.

"Nigga keep your hands off my ass" I declared as he laughed again like it was a joke

"Nigga I ain't laughin"

"That's impossible for me to do you heard me"

"Why is that so impossible?" I asked instantly regretting the question

The Worst (August Alsina Story) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now