Chapter 32.1

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Chapter 32.1 The Worst

Malaysia POV

It's three months later and a few things changed. I got an abortion and moved back in with my parents. I'm slowly gaining their trust back. I cut August off for good and apparently him and Mark dropped out of school. I caught up my grades in school and Aaliyah and I have a stronger bond. Donte and I are still just friends and he's still dating Brooklyn.

"I don't understand number five." Aaliyah admitted as Donte and I looked at the question. We formed a study group getting prepared for upcoming tests and exams.

"So whose ready for prom?" Aaliyah eagerly asked as I shrugged my shoulders

"I'm not. I don't plan on going" I admitted

"Neither am I" Donte stated

"But y'all have to go." Aaliyah begged

"No thanks" I stated

"Malaysia you act so old now. When was the last time you enjoyed a party?" Aaliyah asked

"Last year" Donte answered for me as I sighed.

"The only thing you do is go to school and back home" Aaliyah stated and it was true. I stopped everything that I used to do but since I was happy I didn't wanna slip back into my old ways.

"It's a new year and y'all still want me to the same old bullshit. I'm good now. I'm tired of parties and everything going wrong. The worst shit always happen when I'm there" I admitted as they shrugged their shoulders

"I'm still in shock that Victoria moved" Donte stated

"Do y'all still talk to her?" Aaliyah asked

"She talked to me like twice and I haven't heard from her since" Donte responded

"Yeah she stopped talking and answering me a long time ago" I admitted

"Dang well I'll see you guys later" Aaliyah stated walking out

"So it's just us two again. I swear she leaves us alone on purpose." I stated

"Yep. So you foreal not going to prom" he stated as I laughed

"Now you acting like Aaliyah. Why y'all want me to go so bad?"

"Cause you haven't had fun in like 4 months Malaysia. Your life is boring"

"Well damn I'm sorry that I chose a positive, cautious, more happier life" I admitted

"Whatever you know deep down inside you wanna go" he stated

"Even if I did wanna go I wouldn't have a date to go with" I admitted as he smacked his lips

"Go with Aaliyah she's dying to go. I would take you but Brooklyn don't know whether she wants to go or not" He stated as I sighed

"Uh I guess I'll go since y'all keep harassing me. If something goes wrong I'm whooping you and Aaliyah's ass" I stated before gathering my things and calling Aaliyah

"Did you change your mind?" She asked as soon as she picked up the phone

"Yeah we need to go dress shopping" I stated as she cheered

August POV

"I ain't gonna be in here too long but I'm leaving you in charge to hold my shit down you heard me" Mark stated on the other side of the phone before I hung up. Mark got arrested a while ago and he left me in charge of this shit.

I really had nothing to do since selling drugs was the main thing on my agenda. I dropped out of school a while ago and Mel begged me to start singing. I'm not sure if I wanna take him serious yet but I will soon.

"Hey August" Brooklyn smiled walking inside the trap. I wasn't really sure why she was here but I rarely saw her with the person she needed to be with. That was Donte. Ever since I became the head she wanted to start fucking with me.

"Why the fuck are you here Brooklyn?" I asked annoyed cause I knew she had some bullshit

"Well damn calm the fuck down. I need help picking out a prom dress" she stated

"I thought you weren't going to prom" I stated confused

"Who told you that?"

"Donte, he said he wasn't going because you weren't going" I stated

"Who said I had to go with Donte?" She asked rolling her eyes

"Cause he's your boyfriend"

"So. Look are you gonna help me or not" she asked annoyed

"Hell no you little thot" I answered

"Fuck you" she snapped before walking out as I shook my head

Malaysia POV

"This dress is cute" Aaliyah stated picking out a long white dress

"Yeah I don't feel pure enough to wear white" I admitted

"It's prom not your wedding day. Lighten up Malaysia" she stated

"Yeah I'm still not feeling it. How about this?" I asked picking out a long pink dress that looked more formal.

"You keep that one and I'll keep the white one" she stated as I looked at the dress in the mirror.

"Is that Brooklyn?" She asked as I turned around seeing her with a guy. I couldn't look at her the same since the night I saw her all over August. We had a strong hate for each other for some reason. We only got along once and that was for something I regret.

"I hate her. She exists for no reason. I hope she slips on the dress and dies" I mumbled

"Malaysia!" Aaliyah stated as I realized that was something the old me would say

"My bad. I'm sorry" I admitted as I watched her kiss the mystery guy she was with. I wouldn't have a problem if it was Donte but it was never Donte and I honestly don't see why he's still with her.

"Why are y'all here?" Brooklyn asked walking towards us

"Minding our own business" I snapped

"Malaysia" Aaliyah stated as I shrugged

"Whatever just stay away from my man. I already warned you before." She smirked with a wink walking away as it clicked in my mind.

I always had a feeling her hatred for me had something to do with Donte. Now it clicked that she was the one who sent me that box on Christmas threatening me and shit. She's lucky I'm on this new year new me shit cause the old me would've started some shit.

This book is getting closer to the end and more untold secrets will be exposed.

1. How do you feel about Brooklyn? Did you ever think she was the one who sent the box?

2. How do you think the prom will turn out?

3. Do you like the new Malaysia?

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