Chapter 21.1

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Chapter 21 The Worst Part 1

One Month Later

August POV

One month later and everything has been running smoothly so far. The girls still don't communicate with each other. Tyree and Victoria haven't gotten back together but it's obvious they miss each other. They stare at each other from time to time in class. Victoria doesn't talk as much as she used to and Tyree stopped sleeping around with random hoes as much. Mark is still getting money whether he's with a crew or not. Donte and Brooklyn got back together after Donte apologized in front of the school to her. China and I have gotten closer and we we finally made things official. Yes, I've been faithful and I'm finally in a happy relationship. Aaliyah does rehab for her arm so she doesn't really care about us. I don't know what Malaysia is doing but she said she's changed. Anyway every happiness in my life seemed short lived. Today is October 31st and three important things happened today. For one it's Halloween, two it's Victoria birthday, and today is the day my life flashed before my eyes. Well let me rephrase that. Today is the day that everybody's life flashed before their eyes.

Victoria decided to throw her birthday party today inviting everybody. Tyree thought it was a set up since she even invited Aaliyah and Malaysia.

"So y'all ain't going to the party" China began

"Hell nah. It's already Halloween and niggas gonna act stupid as fuck. Plus Victoria invited everybody, all that's gonna do is start a fight."

"Please go babe" China begged as I sucked my teeth

"I'll think about it but I'm not dressing up if I do go." I stated as she shrugged wrapping her arms around my torso.

"We might as well go. We don't have anything to do anyway." Mark suggested as Tyree sighed.

"But it's a costume only party" Brooklyn spoke out holding Donte's hand

"Well you tell that bitch that we ain't wearing costumes. She already invited us anyway." Mark replied

"We'll think of something" China assured rubbing my hand.

Hours Later

We all got ready for the party and arrived in somewhat costumes.

It was a lot more people than I imagined. Everything was running smoothly until Brooklyn and China walked away from us. Tyree grabbed Victoria's hand as she was walking past us.

"Nigga-" she began to object before he cut her off

"Happy Birthday" he stated while holding up a bag

"Thank you" she thanked before snatching her hand away and walking off.

BANG, BANG, BANG! Three gun shots sounded off startling everybody.

"The fuck!" I shouted as everyone started running around like crazy.

"Oh hell nah, I knew this shit was a bad idea." Tyree rolled his eyes annoyed

"Where the fuck Malaysia at?" Donte asked looking annoyed as we got pushed out the way from people running.

"Foreal, why do I feel like she got something to do with this shit." Tyree agreed

"Bruh we can't just go assuming people." I defended

"Nigga look at how everybody life went down from fucking with Malaysia. That bitch bad luck." Mark stated as we begin walking away more calmly than everybody else. We looked for Brooklyn and China as we seen Malaysia talking to Brooklyn. She didn't have a weapon in her hand but I still ain't trust her.

"Dammit what I told Brooklyn about talking to this bitch." Donte sighed as he walked over to Brooklyn.

Malaysia POV

I honestly ain't know what was going on but I was scared as fuck. I was talking to Brooklyn before Donte dragged her away. BANG! Another gunshot sounded off. At this point I knew I couldn't stay in the house but I ain't know how to get out. Everybody was trying to get out at the same time which wasn't any safer. Victoria decided to throw a party at a two story venue nobody knew about and the downstairs was off limits. I took off running looking for an exit since jumping out a window wasn't a smart idea. Before I could continue a smell hit my nose along with a sight I ain't wanna see.

August POV

"How the fuck we gonna get outta here?" I asked as the guys shrugged before bumping into Aaliyah who was crying and talking real fast.

"How the hell do you get outta here?" Aaliyah begged as we shrugged

"Shit where the gun shots coming from?" Donte asked

"Outside but we can't stay upstairs either. Somebody started a fire downstairs and the emergency exit stairs broke. How we gonna get out now?" Aaliyah whined on the verge of having a meltdown.

"Okay first of all calm down" I assured

"Hell nah nigga are you crazy? She just said its a fucking fire below us right now. The floor is gonna collapse any second now and you talking about some calm down. Nigga we gonna die." Tyree explained as I processed everything he just said

"We gotta get out through the roof" Mark suggested

"To jump off a two-story building and die. No thanks I don't want my death to be marked a suicide." Tyree scoffed

"Come on let's go" I stated as we walked to find another exit.

Malaysia POV

I ain't know where I was going but walking alone was probably the dumbest thing I ever did. I was walking on a beam staring at the fire below trying to reach the stairwell to the roof.

I walked quickly and carefully but I guess I got too happy and too much weight applied on the beam cause it collapsed and I fell almost sliding off. I grabbed unto the edge for life. This had to be the most scary Halloween ever for me.




"PLEASE" I continued to scream out keeping a tight grip on the rail. If I were to let go my life would be over and nobody would know. Tears fell down my face as I watched my phone get engulfed by the flames.

"HELP SOMEBODY, PLEASE" I cried out before a figure appeared


"Victoria?" I questioned as she appeared in front of me.

"Please help me, look I'm sorry for what I did." I cried out as she shook her head

"Oh now you're sorry cause you're about to die" she retorted before handing a hand to me.

I wasn't stupid so I only gave her one hand. She grabbed it then let it go and walked away.

"Victoria what the fuck. Stop being childish." I begged

"Bitch don't start with me. It's my fucking day and I'm wasting time trying to save your sorry ass. I'm going to get some help. I may come back but then again I may not. Shit I'm trying to save myself too." She snapped before walking away.


"VICTORIA I KNOW YOU HEAR ME" I screamed as Victoria appeared again with Aaliyah giving me a death glare. Oh shit, now my life is officially over.

Part 2 sometime later this week. It depends on whenever I write it.

1. Who do you think set the house on fire and shot the guns?

2. What would you do if you were Victoria or Aaliyah? Would you save her or let her suffer?

3. What do you think is gonna happen next?

4. Did you like this chapter?

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