Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 The Worst

Malaysia POV

"What do I do now" I asked Sydney after telling her everything that happened between Aaliyah, August, and I.

"You leave August's ass alone" Sydney said making it seem easy to do

"How am I suppose to do that?" I asked again

"You know for you to be in honor classes and to be older you aren't that bright."

"Shut up" I said as I threw a pillow at her

"I think we all know that the answer is to leave August alone." She said in a duh tone

"Yeah but I gotta talk to him first" I said

"About what" she asked confused

"Us" I said confidently

"Us?! What the fuck do you mean us? There is no us. Y'all do not exist. Y'all aren't together. Y'all aren't a couple. There is no "us". He don't give a damn about you. If he cheated on Aaliyah then what makes you think he won't cheat on you. You over here stressing over a nigga that you don't have, that most likely only wanna fuck, and you'll probably never have then you sitting here talking about some "us". Bitch take yo ass to sleep, put your head back in them textbooks, and go back to church cause you need Jesus at this moment. I can't believe you just said "Us" like y'all together or some shit. You changing slowly but surely. Next thing you know your gonna be walking around doing everything he say like Aaliyah."

"But he's single he's fair game" I stated not knowing she was gonna go off again like she was my mother

"Oh my God Malaysia you still don't get it. That's against girl code. How you gonna claim to be Aaliyah's best friend but you trying to date her ex? They've been together for 5 months. How long have you known him, 3 weeks. Her feelings for him are not completely gone. She already wanna fight you and it's already bad that you practically broke them up. You just triflin as fuck. You are not MY sister because MY sister, Malaysia, doesn't go hell over heels over a guy she just met that ain't no good. MY sister, Malaysia, doesn't turn into a hoe for a nigga after the first date. MY sister, Malaysia, wouldn't dare change her personality or the way she dresses just to fit in because MY sister, Malaysia, always taught me not to listen to what other people think because they're haters. She taught me that it doesn't matter what other guys think because they should like you for who you are and not for how you look. MY sister, Malaysia, used to not lie and disrespect my mother as much. Now I don't know who this chick is sitting in front of me right now but you tell her I want MY SISTER, Malaysia back." Sydney explained as I sighed

She walked away and I started crying. I didn't know whether to believe what she way saying or to keep doing me. I mean I'm older, I know more, and I've experienced more even if it's just by 1 year.

Monday Morning Malaysia's POV

I woke up and put on a royal blue short sleeve shirt with ribbons on it, skinny blue jeans, timberlands, and some jewelry. After I drove Cheyenne to school Sydney and I drove to ours and got out. I walked to my locker and started talking to Victoria and Donte.

"Hey boo" Donte said being overly excited as usual

"Hey" I said feeling weird since I had to see both August and Aaliyah today

"What's wrong?" Victoria asked concerned

"I don't even know" I lied as Aaliyah walked over to me. My heart started racing.

"Hey Liyah" I said nervously

"Hey Lay how you doing?" She asked cheerfully

Victoria looked at me, rolled her eyes, and walked away.

The Worst (August Alsina Story) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now