Prologue + Aesthetics

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I just came back from a pretty tiring day but before I could sit back, someone was already ready to ambush me

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I just came back from a pretty tiring day but before I could sit back, someone was already ready to ambush me.

"Dad! Mom is troubling me" my son shouted at me as he ran towards me.

"Son, I'm sure your mother is not troubling you" I looked at my beautiful wife who even after so many years still manage to make my knees weak who was currently making a sad face at our son who was blushing with embarrassment. My wife sometimes forgets that our son is a teenager now and wants his own space.

I gave a shrug to my wife and mouthed, "I'll take care of it" she nodded in defeat but before she could exit the room; I kissed her as my son started fake gaging.

"Okay, so what is the crisis?" I asked him after we got comfortable on the couch. He seemed hesitant in saying so encouraged him, "Come on, say it"

"There's this girl that I kind of like," he said.

"Okay, good so what's the problem?" I probed him when he didn't answer further.

"Well, how do I approach her? and how do I ever know that she is the one?" he asked with defeat.

"Talk to her, I know it's scary but the best answer I could give you is to approach her, no games. And as for knowing if she's the one is something you just do. Sometimes it just takes one glance at her or sometimes it takes a lot of talking and dates to make you realize that she is the one." I could feel my lips curl up in a smile as I started reminiscing the time when I first met my 'The One' "Did I ever tell you how I and your mother met?"

"Yes, you met at her cafe, you both liked each other and then after a lot of drama later, you married each other. I remember because of how cliche and movie-like your story was" he said dismissively.

I shook my head. "No. a lot more happened before we even started to like each other. She didn't even know what my job was because I had to lie for safety reasons and that came to bite me in my ass later on. So that's why don't play any games and approach her. Don't repeat my mistakes, son" I said as I patted him on his shoulder

He looked determined as he said "Tomorrow I am going to approach her at the school"

"That's good. And don't worry son, you are still young I'm sure you'll find the one for you. Now go and sleep it's getting late"

"Yeah, good night" he replied.

After he was gone, I closed my eyes and started to think back on the day when it all began, it was that one night that changed everything.

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