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Soon, it was time for our turn to rest. The minute my head touched the sleeping bag, I fell fast asleep.

I saw a shadow in my nightmare.  It didn't look human,  it must have been a monster.  I wanted to use my sword and slash it, but it simply dissolved and reappeared.

"So you're the daughter of Poseidon?  Pathetic"

"What do you want?"

"Don't try to fake it. I can feel your fear"

I made the ancient gesture to ward away the evil eye. The monster's shadow wavered but bounced back into its original shape. "Fear cannot be warded away, for it is always there, lurking in the shadows of your soul" The shadow slipped away and appeared behind me.

I suddenly heard screams. "Help! Someone help me!" The voice was full of kindness but the situation made it plain dark.  There was a violent banging on metal bars but I couldn't find her, there was apparently a barrier preventing me from.

"AHHHHH" I shrieked.  Negative emotions filled my body with heartache. The past pain over the years, those times I got addicted to cutting and the days I was kicked around for being stupid and different. It was like an embrace from darkness itself.

Suddenly,  I woke up.  Nico was holding me in his arms and u was shaking badly. My sword was in my hand and my throwing knives at Nico's neck.

I immediately dropped my weapons and sobbed. Percy came over and joined the hug. "Its going to be alright, every little thing is going to be alright" Neeks muttered in my ear.

When I recovered from the shock,  I saw them eating buns they brought along for the quest. 

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