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Thank goodness we had Annabeth on our team, because without a second to spare, she rushed forward, took the flag and raced back to our side.

Chiron announced,"We have the winner of today's  capture-the-flag, the blue team!" We cheered happily and soon we were off to our cabins.

When i entered the Poseidon cabin, Percy greeted me.

"Hey Bella, after discussion with Chiron, we both agree that you should sleep in Nico's cabin for a while"


"Whenever you have nightmares and stuff, Nico seems to be the only one to cure you of it"

"Oh ok, so i start now?"

He nodded and I washed up before heading torwards Cabin 3. When i knocked the door, Nico immediately answered it. He ushered me inside and i took in the surroundings. It was very dark and there was a large bed in the middle, probably Nico's. It had 3 beds joined together(assuming each were 1 metre wide) I crawled into his bed so that i only occupied one bed of three.

He crawled into the other side and i placed my jacket in the middle to mark each of our domains so we won't cross to the other's side.

"Goodnight Nico" I murmured, I was too tired to talk.


The next day:

"Hey Nico, there's-" I heard a voice shout. As i rubbed my eyes open, I saw Travis standing at the doorway with Connor close behind him. I noticed a flicker of hurt in Connor's eyes. Whats up with him?I thought to myself.

"-what happened last night?" Travis continued. That's when i noticed what they were gawking about. Somehow, we had crossed the border and his arm was around me, pulling me torwards him and my head was burried in his chest as my arms were snaked around his waist. His chin was on top of my head. Well at least was on my head before Travis interrupted. We quickly distangled ourselves from each other. He blushed madly as he 'inspected' the bed sheets.

Travis continued,"Just wanna tell you there's going to be a new camper arriving soon"That made me alert,I immediately jumped up, grabbed some clothes as i headed torwards Nico's bathroom.

"Somebody's excited" Travis murmured as he shut the door. I tugged on my new CHB camp shirt and dressed myself in khaki bermudas. I pulled on my army-print coverse hi-top chucks.

I tied my hair in a messy ponytail and walked out to see a fully-dressed Nico in the usual dark clothing. "You go ahead,I have to meet Chiron at the big house see you later" I tip-toed slightly to peck him on the cheek. He smiled.Whenever we did do that, i would always get the same feeling, warm and tingly.

I walked over to the big house. "Chiron?" I asked as i entered his office.

"Bella" He greeted,"sit"

"We have to talk about what happened yesterday" he explained.

"What you did yesterday. It has dawned on me that you have inherited some of your father's greater powers"

I was totally stunned."Have aby other Poseidon demigod done this?"

"Yes, but only one. Perseus Jackson"He replied,"but the thing is, when he summoned it, most of his energy was zapped from him but when you summoned it, you didn't seem exhausted at all. The more unbelievable part was that the destruction you summoned was even more powerful than his!We would have to experiment the limit of your powers"

I sighed as i walked towards the dining pavilion . I immediately spotted Nico waiting for me at the entrance. "Meet me at the lake, free period" He said as we headed to our seperate tables.Now i couldn't wait for it.

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