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I woke up to a sleeping Nico beside me. To make it less awkward, I created a wall of sea glass for the boundary line.

I hopped off the bed and changed into some  comfortable khaki bermudas that ended a little below mid-thigh (basically it looks like something you should wear on an adventure) I tugged on a random navy blue shirt and pulled on some army-print hi-top converses.

I looked at my hair and decided for the usual, a high ponytail. I washed up and walked out of the bathroom.

I saw Nico already dressed. " Can we shadow-travel to the pavilion?  I'm tired!" I whined.

He smiled and intertwined our fingers together as we shadow-travelled to the pavilion.

We were just in time to see the Aphrodite cabin divided into two.  One froup held up a banner that said 'Bellico' while the other group had a banner with 'Nicolla' on it in bright letters.

" Bellico sounds better!  Girls come first!" One girl shrieked.

"Nicolla sounds hotter!" Another girl shrieked.

It took us seconds to realise they were fighting over our shipping name.

We quickly broke them up .

"Guys. We like both names! Although I personally like Nicolla better"

Both groups sighed and put down the banners. As we seated ourselves in the pavilion, I noticed a new girl at the Aphrodite table. She had silky brunette hair with dip-dyed  green tips and perfect emerald eyes flecked with gold sparks.

Percy noticed me staring and whispered "Hilda Lavington, daughter of Aphrodite and she has the blessing of Apollo. Arrived last night"

I nodded my head and continued eating my blue and purple waffles.

I then noticed Thomas Clark looking at her day-dream like. So busted

"Hey,  I'm gonna go for a walk with Nico"

Percy nodded and I pushed my plate away and got up to meet Nico.

We walked towards the woods. "Hey Nico, now thinking about it, where is Bianca?" The thought came to my mind.

He tensed up and shrugged quickly.  I was getting pissed. I took hold of his shoulder and spun him around "Nico. What happened to Bianca." He softened, but only for a second. 

"Why must you know? Don't be such a annoying girlfriend" He was backing me against a tree now.

I felt a bit hurt. "Nico! Why do you have to keep me out? I am your girlfriend I have the right to-" I was suddenly cut off by his lips crashing onto mine.

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