My Awesome Life At Camp Half-Blood

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Author's Note:Don't worry, this is very straight forward to Camp Half Blood. I'm doing my best to fast forward the school day to the going to camp half blood part that is all in this chapter.

Bella's POV

I quickly got out of bed, it was the last day of school before summer vacation. I glanced at my thin chain bracelet and immediately, a flood of memories rushed over me.


"Nico, we might not even see each other again after we part" My 7-year-old self sniffed as I gazed into his dark eyes. During the month, I had run into Nico and Bianca di Angelo and they were the ones that made me smile every single day I spent here with Mum.

He brushed his finger under my eye and wiped away a lose tear,I spotted a flicker of hope in his dark eyes. "We will meet again, one way or another," he assured me.

His eyes suddenly lit up and out of his pocket, came out two simple chain bracelets. He clasped one on my hand and the other curled into a fist. "Remember me, don't forget me when we meet again," He pecked my cheek softly before we parted ways. I cried as we walked to our different rides, knowing that there is a very vague chance of us meeting again.


Now, 8 years have passed but my mind still couldn't forget anything about Nico. Wait, actually about 70 years because the Lotus hotel made time pass faster. I still remembered having a shock from realizing that I had skipped time. Hmmm. I wonder how Nico reacted.... I gasped when I looked at the time. I quickly dressed up and rushed to school, I was greeted with winks and smiles some of my closest friends smirked,"What's up, Captain?" Thats right, I'm Bella Trojan, Captain of the Sword-Fighting Team. The day went by very quickly (probably due to the fact that everyone was excited about their holiday plans) varrious teams (Cheer-leading, Basketball etc) and their gang.Well except for those "geeky" team captains according to Drew Tanaka, Cheer-leading captain. To be serious, I didn't even know why she wanted me so badly to sit at the "VIP" table. Whatever.

After school, everyone was bouncing with excitement. The populars all walked together to the exit, fist bumping students along the way and Drew waved to the students, as though she was the queen of this place. Students immediately made way for us to walk as they cheered and wolf-whistled, mostly at Drew.


After the day, I found Mum waiting for me at the exit. She looked quite sad and she immediately rushed forward to see me.

"Bella, you are turning 15 we need to protect you, now. I have packed a luggage to last you for a long time and your necessities, I'll see you again soon. Go with these people," She said gesturing to a car behind her."You can trust them, I trust them. They will keep you safe from harm."

I was slightly dazed from what was going on. But I managed to shake out of my daze when she clipped a small gold sword charm on the chain bracelet Nico gave me. "This will keep you safe, un-clip it when you face danger," She pecked me on my forehead, muttering "I love you, so so much," as she ushered me into the car.

I stepped into the car and was whisked off. I started to notice the three people in the car staring intently at me. I wondered if it was because of my eyes, how they were bluish-green. According to Mum, I resembled my father,which stung. He left us when I was a baby, the mere thought of him made me boil with anger. Thank goodness my hair was similar to my mother's, brunette. I rubbed my small trident birthmark on my wrist anxiously, aware of them staring at me.

"I know, her eyes, she looks just like him," One finally spoke. I took in the strangers, one girl and two boys, the girl had caramel hair and her eyes were freckled with different colours that were constantly changing. One boy had blonde hair and piercing blue eyes the last one had blue eyes but had brown hair.

"Oh sorry" The girl muttered, blushing, " I am Piper, this is Conner and Jason" She said gesturingto each boy.

"Where am i going?" I mumbled.

"We are taking you to Camp Half-Blood" Connor smiled directly at me.

Wait a minute. I knew i was totally ADHD but i aced in Greek Mythology and my ADHD brain was telling me that Half-Blood meant demigod and demigod meant child of a God and mortal so that means...

"I AM A DEMIGOD?!!" I practically screamed.

"Yes you are.Calm down" Piper soothed, immediately i cooled down, it was as if i wasn't even controlling my own body but it just, happened.

I calculated thoughts in my head(which was very very hard). My mum is a mortal so my dad is a God. I had to pinch myself to make sure this was real.

"My Dad, is a God" I finally said, allowing realisation to sink in. "So who is your Godly parent?" I finally asked, after letting the truth settle that i was riding with three demigods.

"Aphrodite, Goddess of love and beauty" Piper said. Gee that was too obvious, should have known it myself.

"Hermes,God of theives and messengers" Conner smirked. His mischevious eyes and smirk told all.

"Jupiter or Zeus, God of lightning, Lord of the Heavens" Jason said.A bit of pride showing.

Suddenly, just as we were about to reach a hill,according to Jason, Half-Blood Hill, the car got hit hard by the front. I gasped in horror when i saw the monstor,it was a bull from the waist-up. It was a minotaur.I suddenly remembered my mother's words. Un-clip it when you face danger. I un-cliped it and it immediately transformed into a 1 metre sword. It burst out of the car window, glass exploding everywhere. Jason muttered "imperial gold".

I was used to the weight of the sword, being the captain of the team and i immediately burst out of the door, with the others trailing me.I dodged the minotaur's attempts and finally when i had the perfect opportunity, I plunged my sword into the minotaur's heart and it immediately crumbled to death. The others stood a few metres way from me.

"Do you do this everyday?" Jason stared at me in awe.

"Kinda, I'm captain of the sword-fighting team back at school" I said shyly. Only then did i notice my sword, its blade and just about the whole sword was imperial gold. I noticed a large jewel at the hilt it was made out of easy recognizable ocean glass and there was greek carvings on the sword blade that I translated easily to "Power and Hope of the Ocean" due to my ADHD.

Finally, Connor broke the tension. "So are we going to Camp Half-Blood or not?"

I ran my hands over the blade and immediately, it turned back to a charm. Don't ask me how i did that.

Author's note:Thanks for reading! I update within to weeks. A few votes please?

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