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As we trudged up the hill, Connor told me about the campers.

"You are going to love it here! But just stay away from Nico Di Angelo. He is one very creepy guy. "

"Wait, Mythomagic Nico Di Angelo?"

"Yup how did you know? He used to play that game when he was younger. Now he will tense up whenever you bring that up. The results will be either screaming at you or giving the death glare,trust me it's worst than it sounds. Frank says he calls it a 'stupid' game he used to play." Connor ventured.

"Connor, don't freak her out!" Piper furrowed her eyebrows.

My fingers tingled with excitement. But then again many people play Mythomagic an have similar names. But still, hope played in her mind. She imagined a boy with olive tan skin and eyes full of genuine kindness and honesty and maybe a little twinge of mischief. She forced down the thought a they continued the hike.

Finally we reached our destination, I took in the sight. There was a big house and a beautiful lake. About 12 cabins were laid out in an arch manner, with a campfire from last night in the centre.

They brought me down and went to the large house.

"We are going to introduce you to Chiron, activities director. He's awesome" Connor explained.

"Who is this?" A man in a wheelchair asked at the entrance.

"Bella Trojan, her father is a God. She is yet to be claimed." Piper introduced.

Then Jason started raving about me killing that Minotaur single-handly with my transforming sword and being the Captain of the sword fighting team. I did a face palm and I was doing my best to hide my embarrassment by burying my head in Connor's shoulder.

Chiron just laughed" well, I'll see how you do in sword-fighting training"

Thanks Jason for giving me standards to live up to, I didn't even know how the other campers were!

Chiron welcomed me warmly before stepping out of his wheel chair to get something from the big house. Wait. What?! He revealed his true form, a centaur like the ones my teacher told us about. I was still dazed from my shock when he handed me my activities schedule.

He hurried me off to the Hermes cabin where I will be staying until I get claimed by my godly parent which in this case, was my father. Connor ushered me off(since he was in the Hermes cabin) and I pulled my luggage along.

Many campers welcomed me and some even commented about how cute a couple Connor and I would be. But I didn't even blush. I was just nervous if i looked presentable in my red hoodie, red converse hi top chucks and my jeans that was slightly tattered. Although Connor kept shooting sideway glances at me.

Suddenly, I spotted a guy at the corner, leaning against a wall in the shadows.weird I didn't see him before, he seemed as if he had dissolved into the shadow and reappeared.

He was staring at me intently which bothered me. Mostly because he was giving off death vibes. Darkness seemed to radiate from him and the plants at his feet had withered and was branching outwards like there was poison on the soles of his shoes.

He had ruffled messy dark hair and his eyes was equally dark. His arms were taut with muscles and his skin was very pale no matter how long he had been out in the sun. He had on an aviator

Jacket and a dark shirt, as well as dark jeans.

Eager to set a good impression on that guy, I sauntered towards him and stuck out my hand.

"Hi!I'm Bella, nice to meet you!" I exclaimed cheerily.

The guy(probably my age) looked hesitantly at my hand before reaching out to shake it.

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