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The rest of the day went by pretty quickly, soon it was time for free period that was before dinner. I was getting really self-conscious of my appearance. I was covered head to toe with sweat. I walked towards cabin 3 and changed into a new CHB camp shirt, jeans and army style converses.  It was a windy day so it was perfect.

I tied my hair into a messy fish tail braid and headed out. As I walked towards the lake, I spotted Nico at the edge. He waved at me, then I realized what was at his feet. A canoe.

I smiled. It was my favourite sport since forever. I pecked him on the cheek and jumped inside the canoe.  He chuckled and joined me although it took a little time. In the end I materialized waterproof sneakers for him. At first I made it a rainbow colour, but he changed it to black.

We canoed to a shady spot in the shadows. I turned my head slightly so I can see him.

"Whats wrong Nico? "

He took a big gulp. in the end he fished out a necklace on a imperial gold chain.  On the chain was a small and thin pendant. It was a thin imperial gold heart. The front had 'Bella' carved on it. However the back had 'Nico' carved on it.

He leaned forward and clasped the necklace around my neck. "Bella, when we met in the Lotus hotel, I knew from the start you were the one for me.  Although we had parted, I thought about you day and night. Now its been 8 years, and we are reunited. You were the only one that destroyed all my hate that grew ober the years. Every time I kiss you, the feeling I feel is unexplainable. Will you do the honour of being mine?"

I was touched by his speech.  I nodded as I flung my hands around his nevk which was rather hard. I basically thrust myself on him.  As our lips connected and move in sync, he moved his hands so they circled my first waist.

We were kissing for so long, we didn't notice our canoe slipping pur of the shadows and coming into plain view of the other campers. The campers started cheering loudly and wolf whistling as Aphrodite kids began calling out our shipping name that was apparently 'Bellico'. We looked at them for a second then looked at each others eyes. I thought about how much I love those sunken eyes.

"Your eyes are beautiful, Beautiful"

I blushed.  Since the day we met in the hotel, he's been calling me Beautiful mostly because my name in Italian means Beautiful. 

"Back to you Victorious people" That was Nico's name meaning.

He face palmed."Should have seen that coming"

I smirked as I pecked him on the cheek and summoned the water under us to bring us back to shore.

'Congratulations' were passed around. "We have 20 minutes left, what to do?" He asked while intertwining our fingers together. 

"Lets play spin the bottle! " I heard someone shout. As I turned my head ti the direction of the voice, I saw an elfish

looking guy walk towards us. His arms were around a pretty girl with caramel hair in a messy fish tail braid and a flower wreat.

"Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus he just finished his quest in bringing back Caylpso-she was stuck on Ogyia" Nico explained.

"Bella Trojan daughter of Poseidon" I shook his hand.

"So are we playing the game or not? " Leo asked. Nico looked reluctant but he agreed.  He called over some familiar campers.

As we headed to cabin 9, Nico and I looked at each other uncertainly. We both didn't want the other to kiss someone else.

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