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Bella's POV

"Are you excited about tonight's capture the flag?" Percy asked me.

"Maybe",I admitted,"so tell me the plan"

Percy smiled," we will be by the river, this way we can blast the people trying to cross the lake to our side"

I gulped"So we are basically front line when they cross?"

"Nope actually more of second" He said,popping the 'P'

"Where will Nico be?"

"He will be in the darker area of the woods,where his shadow travel is strongest and he can use it to do surprise attacks on the enemies"

I looked over at Nico's table. I mouthed the words:You are going to be in the dark area of the woods

He grinned and mouthed back: Thats great! The woods are my strong point

I smiled. Percy looked at me, confused. He glanced at the direction of my gaze and he spotted Nico, smiling back.

"Oh yeah, Bella, I've been meaning to ask-" Percy started.

I turned my attention back to him.

I nodded for him to continue.

"How do you and Nico click so well?He doesn't smile usually, actually he doesn't smile at all!"

"We actually,kind of both were stuck in the lotus hotel and spent our time there together when I was 7" I admitted.

Percy stared at me with surprise"I was there in the Lotus hotel when I was 12 and on a quest, I was there the same time you were!"

I just smiled.

Before capture the flag started, we went to put on our armor. "Bella,Bella!" I heard Nico call, as I turned me head, I spotted Nico waving to me excitedly, trying to get my attention. As he approached, I noticed him pulling along a girl with amber eyes and curly brown hair. My heart sank, he was probably going to tell her that she was his girlfriend or something. Hopefully something.

" Bella, I want you to meet Hazel, my half-sister, she is from Camp Jupiter and she is going to be on our team for capture the flag"

"Oh! Hi!" I grinned, shaking her hand. A feeling of relief swept over me. My spirits were totally lifted.

Hazel inspected me, before pulling me out of ear-shot with the excuse of "I need to speak to you"

"Thank you"

"For?" I questioned, truly confused.

"I've never seen him this happy before"

My eyes widened, the Nico i knew was definitely missing over the years. "Then your welcome" I finally said before she dragged me back to where Nico was.

"Come on. Its time to start" He muttered, holding my hand as we approached Percy and Annabeth. After telling the rest of the team which is that the Hypnos kids will be front line, casting sleeping spells on the opponent.After thay, me and Percy will blast them with hot water that will slow them down while Annabeth gets the flag. Aphrodite kids will chsrmspeak the other team to fight each other.

As we went to position, I transformed my sword which i was going to use after i blast them. After Chiron announced the rules of the game, he whistled and the game began. I saw a team of campers rushing towards us, I concentrated kn makimg tbe water steamimg hot and blasted at them. Which wasn't exactly that effective.

First one up was this scrawny guy with blonde hair. "I haven't seen you around here" I muttered, slamming my sword against his. "Nope. I just came here for this stupid game. Reyna thought it was some good idea that i bond with Greeks" I ducked as he swung my sword at me. I was starting to get pissed off. "Your skills suck, your probably a child from a minor god" Anger boiled inside of me. Still, i resisted the urge to kill him. "You look like a daughter of Fleecy or Iris whatever, you look so sweet and gullible just like the rainbows she controls" that was the last straw.

Octavian's POV

Suddenly, the ground around me and her started to shake violently.She levitated into the air, around 20 feet from the ground, standing on a large chunk of earth. the wind whipped at her hair and some ran down her arms. As she thrust her hands out wards to her sides, the wind whirled into 2 5metre tropical cyclones. They danced around her .Now the river was getting choppy, crashing against its sides.It started to rise, higher ad higher until it was 5 meters high. It crashed onto the red team's side, knocking down the first few waves of campers, dousing the rest who didn't get knocked down with water. The trees swayed back and forth threatening to topple. The ground split open more dangerously at random places. Storm clouds grew above her.

A saw a hero of Olympus rush forward with The traitor, Jason Grace.

NNico's POV

"Oh Styx" I muttered to myself. Chiron was trotting to check out the scene. I finally got a great idea.I snapped my fingers and a black Pegasus appeared at my side. "Im going up there" I muttered as I mounted the Pegasus.

As I made my way towards her, it was hard to avoid the cyclones. I usually had to raise a few black stone walls to protect me and the pPegasus.

Finally, we reached her. I saw hatred burning in her eyes. Just as she lifted a sphere of glowing water and aimed it at Octavian, I leaned in to kiss her.

I held it for a long ttime, I didn't know when it would start to work. Finally, she responded. Wrapping her hands around my neck, I snaked my arms around her as our lips moved in sync.And a warm and tingly feeling showered over me, like everytime that happened.

I could hear most of the campers cheering. Finally, when I pulled away(hands still positioned), we were back on the ground. As water seeped back into the river, I suspected it had carried her down. She approached Octavian, "You mess with me, you mess with him,Son of Hades. Choose one" Octavian gulped.

Chiron walked towards us "That was quite a show, meet me in my office Tommorow morning"

"Oooh look whose in trouble now?" Octavian sneered. Bella raised another sphere of water at him. "You wanna go?" He shook his head fast and ran off quickly.

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