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I slumped down on the wall of my cabin I was still a newbie yet it was my duty to go on this quest.

I took of my chain bracelet and placed it beside me then I pressed on my birthmark. It glowed brightly, and the light covered the trident that was forming in the palm of my hair. I observed it closely and i spotted a small tiny scroll poking out of the gold sleeve of the trident.Curiosity came over me and i pulled it out. I unrolled the papyrus and this was what was written:

Bella, my daughter.

I'm sorry that i wasn't there for you, being a god, please understand that we have to take care of the whole world's needs. Therefore, in order for you to feel like i will always be with you, i had Hecate magically implant this trident into your body for battle. You see, this was the first trident i ever had. It contains the essense of the sea. LOL some spirits might have been accidently sucked inside.

Yeah, when you get this message, come visit me for coaching lessons.        

I'll be waiting.

Poseidon, the fabulous father.

Haha dad was actually pretty cool. I pressed my wrists again to keep my trident and I wore back my bracelet then i headed out to find Percy. I finally found him talking to Annabeth. "Percy, we need to talk" Percy understood and slung his arm around my shoulders.

"What's up lil sis?"

"You have to bring me to Dad's castle"

Percy stopped and turned to me. "Why?"

"Dad is going to coach me on how to use the trident" I showed him the letter.

"No fair! Dad gave you a letter and not me?"

"Dad must have learned from his mistakes with you and tried to edit before its too late"

"You sure you aren't an Athena child?" Percy asked, raising an eyebrow. In return i lightly punched him on the arm. "Trying to get rid of me that easily?"

I told Nico quickly and me and Percy headed underwater. By the time we reached, a school of fish was following us around. Percy had to sign their scales for them to go back.

"Isn't that like animal abuse?"

"Dad gave me a pen that uses squid ink, it'll fade away anway" Percy winked.

Poseidon had created an air pressure wall outside the castle so that we can actually walk inside. We knocked on the door and it immediately opened to the throne room. Poseidon was on his throne and was staring expectantly at the door. As i entered, he shot upright. "Be..Bella?"

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