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Chiron announced " To commemorate the Gaea war,  and let the other campers know the struggles the 7, Nico and Praetor Reyba went through, a terrible monstor will be activated to be killed by a camper"

Me and Nico gasped and he held on my hand tighter. He walked towards a large bowl full of strips of papers. " Feels like the hunger games" I whispered. Nico wrapped one hand around my waist and pulled me in tighter.

" Jake Mason!" Chiron shouted.

"Not present, he has gone down with a flu" Someone replied.

Chiron shook his head and dug his hand into th glass bowl.

" Bella Trojan!" I gasped. I was dreading that was going to happen. Nico furrowed his eyebrows and glanced at me worriedly.

Even Chiron seemed to look distressed. "You have 30min to prepare before coming to the sword arena for the fight, good luck" But that obviously did not feel very lucky.

For 10 minutes, I got a lot of pep talks from the campers. Percy gave me a hug and others weren't any better. Let's just say I was the centre of a penguin huddle.

Nico took out a shield charm from his pocket and clipped it onto my chain bracelet.  "Be careful out there, I want you back here without a single scar" I laughed and kissed him.

I had given Leo my black converses and told him to attach celestial bronze wings to the back in case the monstor was big.

Of which he accomplished in a few minutes.

Soon it was time for the battle, The rest had gone inside but I had to wait for the command. "For the hero, Bella Trojan!" Chiron finally called out.

And the doors opened. Standing in front of me was a 7-headed hydra. It was massive, 2 storeys tall. I unclipped my sword and the shield Nico had given me. They sprang to their original form. 

On natural instinct, I charged. Only to be blown by fire. I dodged around the heads, taking any opportunity to stab at its skin but it didn't affect it at all.

I used my shoes and flew up, (looking like a retarted dove of course.) and sliced of one head when it wasn't looking. Then, realisation struck me as another head grew out.

When a hydra loses one head, he grows another. I decided to use a stupid tactic.

Using the light reflected from my shield, I diverted the light to one side of the hydra(West) then the other side(East), making the heads totallg confused. I finally shone the light in the centre of the beast.

I repeated the process until I was pleased with my work.

In front of me had a tangled up hydra which was impossible to untangle! The heads of the hydra made it even more impossible by fidgeting and squirming around. Hopefully the heads will strangle each other to death.

But that didnt make the hydra stop moving its feet. Although it decreased the chances of me dying alot. It moved towards me until I was cornered. One of tge hydras flicked my weapons out of my hands. And I repeatedly raised boulders and slammed them in their faces.  Water strangled them tighter but they shook it off.

They edged closer and closer and I felt determined for help. Suddenly a searing pain emerged from my right wrist. 

I rubbed my hand desperately,  trying to ease the pain. But it did not work. Suddenly,  a flash of blue light blinded me and amazingly a trident appeared in my hand. My birthmark had disappeared.

With a stunning length of around 1.2m, it had intricate greek carvings on the delicate ocean glass of the staff. Its tips were coated in imperial gold and celestial bronze.

The hydra winced at the sight of it and retreated into a far corner. I held it like a javelin and pressed it against the hydra's skin. It sizzled and it's skin basically melted.

The hydra hissed in pain. "Go back into the Underworld and stay there" I whispered. It seemed to nod as it magically disenigrated by itself. 

I turned to face the crowd. They all had awed looks and as my trident turned back into my" birthmark", my sword and trident back on my bracelet, the crowd roared in cheers. I accepted them greatfully. I dug my hand under the earth and healed it. I really messed up this place.

I collected some water and looked at my face. It had a few scratches on my cheeks and my neck had a boil while my jeans had a few rips abd blood pouring out.

Nico was going to be mad.

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