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Nico nudged me in the ribs. "We're back!"

I yawned and opened my eyes. I breathed in the familiar scent of Camp Half Blood.

We walked to the top of the hill and looked at all the demigods below.

"The Demigods are back!" Will Solace shrieked. The demigods turned to look at us and erupted into cheers when they saw no one was missing. Chiron galloped towards us and congratulated us. "This calls for a celebration! Meet tonight at the sword arena for a victory party".

As we walked down the hill to rest in our respective cabins, demigods shook our hands and smiled at us. Finally, when we reached Nico's cabin. I collapsed on the bed, I was exhausted and I felt like just passing out right there.

Nico walked right behind me and laid next to me. He stroked my cheek and ruffled my hair, making me blush madly. "You should rest, Bella. You deserve it."  He sat up against the headboard and gently pulled my head into his lap.  I didn't hesitate to make myself comfortable.

Around two hours later, I woke up to find Nico staring at me. He blushed and looked away. "Sorry" he muttered as he tried to use his hand to cover his red face (which was adorable).

I moved his hand away and held his face with both hands, gently bringing it down so I can peck his forehead.

"The Aphrodite girls visited us just now, they wanted you to go to their cabin later so they can take charge in preparing you for the party later"

"Noted" I sat up and smirked. "I challenge you to a battle between swords"

"Let's go" Nico grabbed his sword from beside him. I smirked as I jumped of the bed and tied the laces of my shoes. 

"You better be ready"

We stood in the sword-fighting arena, 5 metres away from each other.

"I love you, Bella" Nico smiled genuinely before charging at me.

Author's note:

THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTERRR I might post a bonus chapter about the party and such but this is it for now. Thank you so much for following me patiently throughout this story!! I'm sorry for being such a shitty author that keeps delaying chapters but thanks for not giving up on me!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check out my other books and so :3 and see ya next time ohohoh

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