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She led me towards a house with purple and gold banners down the sides. " The Preator House" She explained.  I nodded. I decided not to talk to her, she seemed to be of great importance I bet she could kill me in a second. However,  on the contrary Reyna seemed to be scared of me.

She kept her hand wrapped around the hilt of her dagger and looked at me cautiously.

She led me inside and I was basically awestruck. The interior was so comfty and as I explored, I noticed that her bedroom was decorated with many portraits of people that looked so superior,  their confidentness could have basically ripped through the delicate canvas. Amazed by the accuracy of the paintings, I walked around them.

"To remind us to be true leaders like them-the history of SPQR's leaders." Reyna stood at the doorway.

I stopped abruptly. The portrait in front of me was as large as a screen but that didn't matter, what did was that it had a teenage girl painted on it. A girl who looked like me. With plaited brown hair that falled till around mid-chest across one shoulder.

The girl had an air of confidence with her chin high and her spine as straight as a metal ruler, she looked stunning. An array of badges were pinned on her purple cloak and her eyes were the only thing different from me. Her eyes were brown with corners tinted red, she looked like a typical child of Ares!

"Briar Russell, the first praetor of the first ever legion, daughter of Bellona with the blessing of Neptune.She died in the...Trojan War. She was a warrior" Reyna said reluctantly,"you so realise what this means right? You could be her recreation! Rome's language is latin, so when you translate Bella to its latin meaning it will be war! Then your last name, Trojan... so if you join your names together..."

"You will get The Trojan War!" I finished excitedly.

"I think we should keep this a secret for a while, we might bring up unwanted riots" Reyna decided. Reyna walked to the nearest closet and pulled out an SPQR shirt.

"You better keep this for your own safety if the 1st legion knows and mistakes it for 'Briar coming back to life' and you turn out to be a greek, things will get nasty. The shirt symbolizes that you are trusted and also brings down the chances of getting injured or worst possibility, killed"

I nodded and took the shirt, stuffing it into my jumper.

"Bella!Bella!" I hear Nico's voice call.

"Thats my que, see ya later!" I jumped out of the nearest window cause i was totally not going to be so mainstream.

I ran straight into Nico. "There you are! Holy Hades you gave me a heart attack!" Nico scowled.

"Relax! I'm a big girl now! I do as i please"

"Really? I doubt that" Nico added sarcastically.

I flung my arms around his neck and stared into his eyes.

"Take that back"

"What if i say no?"


I leaned in and just as i was about to kiss him on the lips, I shifted my position so i kissed his cheek instead. Oops! Note my sarcasm.

I quickly untangled myself and ran away before he can catch up. Knowing me, I raised boulders infront of him to block him. "Bella!" Nico shrieked.  Finally he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. "How did you do that? You were so far behind?" I queried. " Your boulders gave me shadow-travelling opportunities" I could feel him smirk as he bent down and nuzzeld his head in the crook of my neck.

"We should go, i need to... do something" Nico finally said a few minutes later.

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