Seventeen Concert

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set in 2018

Seventeen were in Japan, on tour and Jinghua was granted a special dance performance. So the weeks leading up to the beginning of their tour, the female was preparing for her special stage that was to be performed on certain dates. The Chinese female sighed as she sets herself on the floor of their practice room. The majority of the boys had returned back to the dorms with the exception of Jihoon who was most likely in his recording studio. The female laid down, staring up at the ceiling as music played in the background.

"Okay! One more time and then I'll go home," she mumbled to herself, pushing her body off the floor and heading to the stereo, replaying her chosen song for the stage, placing it towards a few seconds further from when she actually dances. Bouncing on her feet, the female waits for her cue and executes her choreography. Upon finishing and sighed out, flicking away her hair that stuck to her temples, fanning herself with her hands and moved over to turn off the stereo.

"Time to go home~" she sang, grabbing her bag and throwing it over her shoulder, exiting the room after closing the lights and making sure the door was locked. Her figure passed by Woozi's studio and she noticed the lights still on, knocking, she peeks her head in to see Jihoon concentrated on his work. With a smile, Jinghua softly shut the door and walked out the building towards her car, hopping in and driving to her apartment complex.


Jinghua was standing backstage, her in-ears in place as she did small movements of her choreography, making sure that she created for this moment. She lets out a breathy sigh as she cracks her knuckles, trying to calm her nerves as Seungcheol approached her. "Aigoo, Jinghua you're going to be fine!" he said over the music of the Vocal team. Jinghua smiled and thanked the older male, hugging him before one of the staff called her to get ready for her stage. The female now stood on the lowered platform that would lift her onto the stage, her mind now focused on providing a perfect performance for her fans. The venue was dark till the music began, the lights shining the large area in red and white as Jinghua danced to the song, sending winks every now and then to the camera when it focused on her face.

The Chinese female finished her stage and smiled, waiting for the lights to turn down before rushing backstage to change for the upcoming songs. The concert lasted for a long time, around four hours till it was the ending stage, Very Nice being played at all fourteen members were roaming around the stage. Jinghua smiled and waved to fans, grabbing a few fan's phones to film herself and any of the members that were by her before returning them

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