I-LAND episode twelve

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bang sihyuk knew that both jinghua and mayse were big parts of the boys' journey on i-land and had invited the two girls to the final of the show, providing them special sitting at the producer table. it felt surreal to the two girls to be invited back to be a producer on the show and provide the boys' feedback and just support in general. for the final, both girls dressed fancier than the boys were normal to seeing, although to them it was normal for them. "jinghua-ssi, mayse-ssi, how do you feel returning to the producer panel?" the male host asked the two idols as they felt everyone's eyes turned to them both.

"ah it feels weird actually," jinghua sighed out into the microphone that she picked up from the desk. "i came back earlier in part two with my members and had given them a mini-mission," the female explained as she smiled softly. "even though i wasn't a producer anymore, the boys wanted my feedback and asked me new ways of improving their weaknesses," she further elaborated, still smiling as she spoke. "i watched the show after my leave and the boys have grown a lot since i last saw them - especially my picks. i'm excited to see what the boys have planned for us today."

"uh it honestly feels iffy to be sitting up here," mayse began her mini-speech to the host. "i stopped being a producer after part one ended but i still watched the show and mentally gave the boys feedback. i missed seeing the boys perform live in front of me and them in general, so i wrote them all a letter to express how proud i was of them for making it so far," she explained with a gentle tone, holding the microphone close to her lips as she spoke. "i have two people that i am rooting for tonight. i'm excited to see the performance they have to show us."

after their mini speeches, the boys appeared for their final performance before the announcement for the new group members of enhypen would be announced. as the performance ended, both female idols remained silent as bts gave their opinions on their performance and motivation to the boys. the next performance would be all 23 participants performing the signal song which made mayse happy, a song written for and about them was finally being performed by all of them.

"they've all grown so much," jinghua began tearing up as she slightly glanced up to blink away her tears. "why am i already crying?!" she mumbled to herself as she glanced back down to watch the performance. smiling, she admires the final nine members perform with all their hearts. the lineup for members began and jinghua was biting her lips in anticipation as to who was the fifth chosen member by global votes, applauding when heeseung was announced. glancing over to txt, the seventeen female noticed daye crying, turning away from the stage to wipe away her tears with the tissue that heuing kai passed down to her.

the fourth member by global votes was next, then tension returned to the atmosphere as they waited for the announcement of the next member. it was then confirmed to be ni-ki - the young boy giving his speech to everyone before moving to where heeseung stood. applauding each member that joined the lineup with a soft smile. jinghua wanted jake, sunghoon and jay to be a part of the debut lineup, having to support both trainees since the beginning. jinghua held her hands tightly together as she prayed it would be jake's name that was announced - smiling widely and clapping when it was announced.

the second place from global voting to join the debut lineup was jay, causing jinghua to beam brightly as she began clapping nonstop for the boy who finished his thank-you speech as was making his way to where his friends stood. "ah my heart can relax even more now," the seventeen member sighed out, throwing her head back slightly before looking back to the stage. mayse grew anxious as the first place from global voting was the next place to be announced, her picks had yet to be announced which made her even more worried. with clasped hands, the nct member prays for her first pick as she listens closely to the announcement.

"yang jungwon," when the female heard his name she immediately stood up from her chair and applauded the boy who was being engulfed in hugs from his friends. calming herself down, she sits back down and is still smiling widely at jungwon who was providing his thank-you speech.

"ah he's so cute," mayse pouted in awe, turning to bang sihyuk who she sat beside. "oppa how do you find such good looking trainees?" the older male laughs and shrugs his shoulder as mayse continues to pout. "now i must wait for my second pick," she sighed. she was delighted when sunghoon was the next announced member to join the team. the nct member leaned back in her seat and pointed at jinghua who was doing the same, leaning forward to high-five each other as they both had grown a liking to the former figure skater.

the producer team began discussing who they wanted to join the final lineup, giving the opinions and thoughts before coming to a final decision that would be announced by bang sihyuk himself. mayse and jinghua held a gentle smile as they stared at the three standing and waiting trainees, both girls resting their chins on their knuckles and elbows on the table as they leaned slightly forward. "kim sunoo," the announcer states, jinghua and mayse sitting straight again to applaud the chosen male.

after the final lineup was announced, both jinghua and mayse were given a chance to congratulate the seven boys. "ha~," mayse sighed as she wiped away her tears she unknowingly shed. "i am feeling a bit overwhelmed because all of my happy tears," she chuckled to herself but caused others to smile at her. "you all did well today. i think this was one of the best stages i have seen you all perform - even if you thought it was your last, you gave it all you had and that is what made it a great stage. i was a producer for part one and i think you all have grown and improved a lot from your past selves," she commented with a smile. "i hope you all continue to learn and grow as artists, learn from your sunbaes and have a successful career - after this come find me and i'll give you my number," she giggles at their surprised expressions when she mentions her phone number. "good job boys!"

"you didn't expect us to be back right?" jinghua asked the seven boys who smiled at her. "i have a lot to say...firstly, congratulations you all for debuting, you have made me very proud. as time progresses, i've noticed how hardworking you all became to reach your goal and because of that, you have achieved it. i hope you all continue to grow as artists and learn from those around you - members, sunbaes, teachers and directors," jinghua glanced over to the directors with a smile. "i hope to collaborate with you boys one day in the future, also come find me as well, and i'll give you my number. congratulations~" she smiled at them.

after the show, mayse and jinghua approached the seven boys and applied the phone number to all their phones, talking to each member about debuting and how excited they were to debut. "when you do, we will come to the showcase and support you all."

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