Jinghua's and Jaehyun's Big Fight

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set in 2018

It was towards the end of the year when the couple broke out in a massive fight which consisted of many dishonest words and lies, along with insults that neither parties believe were true. However the fight was too much to handle, it led the two of them to distance themselves till December to rekindle their love.

Jaehyun had just returned home from being out with a few of their high school friends, wanting to link up and catch up on their lives are adults. Normally, it was common that the couple would share their whereabouts if they were to return home later than they had expected, this turned into an unspoken rule between the two as they did it normally. However, this one particular night, Jaehyun had forgotten to message Jinghua about his meet up with friends.

It was almost two in the morning on a Saturday when Jaehyun stumbled into her apartment, his face red and a stupid smile plastered on his face as he chuckled lowly. Jinghua had been seated on her couch, staring at her drunk boyfriend with a blank face, not knowing how she should feel about his behaviour that night.

"Where were you? You said you'd be back by 11, it's 2 in the morning," her voice was calm, standing up as she stood by the couch, her arms crossed above her chest as Jaehyun plopped himself on the couch. "I was worried that you could've died!"

"Oh shut up," Jaehyun waved a dismissive hand at the Chinese female who stared at him agape. "I just went out drinking with some friends. Why must you be so nosy about my life?" he asked, his head bowing to rest on his shoulder.

"Why? Maybe because you're my boyfriend and I care about you?" Jinghua asked defensively. Just by her tone, anyone could tell the girl was infuriated by her boyfriend's behaviour. "You could've at least texted me!" she said, crossing her arms as she stood in front of him.

"This is why I don't tell you shit! You're always fucking up my ass about where I am and shit," Jaehyun grumbled, leaning back on the couch as he ran a hand through his hair. "You're seriously obsessed with me. Can't even let me live my life for one fucking second."

Jinghua was flabbergasted by his words. "I am not obsessed. If anything you're the one obsessed. You can't even stop yourself from coming to my apartment!" she yelled, empathising 'my' as she claimed the housing they were currently in. "I let you go out and do whatever shit you want. I only care that you come home safe and sober before anyone catches you doing dumb shit drunk!"

"I'M NOT DRUNK!" Jaehyun yelled causing his girlfriend to flinch. "I'm not fucking drunk and I'm not fucking obsessed with you!" he yelled at her, standing up as they yelled at each other repeatedly. "Will you stop being a bitch and let me just go to sleep?!"

"What the fuck? You seriously think I'd let you sleep here after all the shit you've just put me through?" Jinghua's tone became harsher as she glared at her boyfriend. Shoving his arm towards the front door, she points as she states. "You can go back to the dorms and sleep there. And don't even think about coming back," she said in a blank tone.

With a stern face, Jaehyun scoffs and storms out of the apartment before uttering the words: 'i wish I never dated you in the first place.' Hearing this, Jinghua's heartbreaks. into a thousand pieces. Tears brim her eyes as she watches the person she calls the love of her life, leave her apartment with the impression that he never truly loved her. As the door shuts close, Jinghua falls to her knees, sobbing out loud. Sitting comfortably on the floor, she pulls her knees tightly against her chest as she cries, thoughts of the earlier events replaying in her head as she listens to the repeated words Jaehyun uttered as he exited the apartment. Crying, she sits in the dimly lighted room, the only sound being heard inside being her phone ringing and her sobs.

- time skip to early 2019 -

Since fighting with Jaehyun in late December, the couple has yet to speak to each other. The morning after, the NCT member woke up in his dorms, flashbacks to their fight replayed in his mind as he cursed under his breath, recalling the harsh words he had thrown at the crying girl. His heart aches at the mere thought of Jinghua crying. And for him to be the reason behind her tears, hurt him even more. He tried calling, texting, everything in his power to contact the SEVENTEEN members, only to no avail.

Her members heard about the argument and tried their hardest to keep him away from her. She didn't feel emotionally nor physically prepared to see him again after the fight and obviously, fans caught on to the situation, worried that the two had broken up for good. After doing a few of her schedules in Korea, Jinghua was in talks of travelling around the world for modelling purposes. Thinking this was a perfect way of a distraction, she took the opportunity and was announced to miss SEVENTEEN schedules for her modelling career in America and China.

It was almost Jaehyun's birthday and Jinghua was in China, staying with her parents, enjoying the moment before she got a group facetime call with Taeyong and Seungcheol. Curious as to why the leader of NCT and her leader would be calling in a grouped call instead of separate ones, she picks up to see the two of them with concerned faces. "Jiae, I know you're not wanting to talk to him but he needs you," was the first thing Seungcheol told her once she was connected.

"Please Jingjing? He's miserable!" Taeyong wailed quietly, careful that Jaehyun or any of the other members could hear him. "He hasn't left his room since you guys fought. The only times he leaves is for schedules and the bathroom. He doesn't even eat!" Jinghua's heart shatters as Taeyong explains Jaehyun's situation. "You don't have to forgive him yet, but just you talking to him would make him better," he said softly.

The Chinese female sighed. "I'll talk to him," she muttered as the two leaders thanked her. "Bye oppas~"

Sighing deeply, Jinghua grabs her laptop and facetime Jaehyun, silently sitting on her bed as she waited for his answer. Within a millisecond, he answered, a bright smile on his face. "Hi! I-i mean, oh god my room's a mess," he said rapidly making her giggle.

"You wanna talk about what happened?"

Long story short, they talked things out and were now on good terms. This experience allowed the two to respect each other's boundaries and needs from the relationship which made the relationship stronger than expected and it was all thanks to their leaders. Side note, the two of them bought each of their leaders a thank you cake for their help.

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