𝟎𝟏𝟔. 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐜𝐤.

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"Because your irritating personality seems to be the only thing that drives me to work harder every single day."

"Y/N-chan, why are you so red today?" Chiho's fingers grazed over your shoulder, making you shudder under her touch. The flash to the past made you feel confused inside. The feelings that you've chosen to ignore till today suddenly making their way to catch your undivided attention.

It was annoying. The feelings that you felt whenever you saw or knew that a certain blond boy was around. It wasn't the happiness that annoyed you, more of the conflicted conclusions you came up with whenever you tried to think what was wrong with you.

"Um, sorry, it might be just from yesterday's events. You know, getting hit by a volleyball or whatever."

"Oh yeah! I heard that Tomita-chan has to clean the bathrooms today as a punishment for it! It couldn't have been an accident, we all heard her insulting you throughout the whole class. It's obvious she did it on-"

     "It's fine. I don't really care what punishment she gets." Your interruption came out with a gruff, almost sounding like a sassy insult if they really looked into it. Etsuko and Chiho looked at each other with worry, recognizing that their Y/N-chan was becoming the rude and closed off Y/N they first met. They were scared.

      "Well, um, I heard that Tsukishima visited you in the infirmary yesterday! So...what happened??" Etsuko poked your shoulder, causing you to groan and attempt to shrug her off. They both laughed, seeing a small smile appear on your face as they nagged you. There's the Y/N they came to know.

      "Nothing really...I mean, he told me, something...that I don't really wanna say." The two girls squealed with excitement, joining their hands together while they jumped up and down in the hallway. They were excited for their friend, they couldn't ignore the fact that their little Y/N-chan had a small crush on the giant with glasses. And with that rumor going around, they believed that there should be a small, minuscule, tiny, bit of mutual feelings involved.

      "Oh come on Y/N-chan! Just tell us, we won't bite."


      "Come on! Just say it!"


      "Mubō-chan." The call made your heart freeze over, like winter has just over came your body. However, the warmth from your heart seemed to have melt it, since now, all of a sudden, you felt hot. The heat was slowly making it's way to your face and the blush that you desperately tried to hold down was swimming it's way to the top of the water. However, it wasn't only the blush that was coming. "Mubō-chan?"

     Your confusion came along as well. The mixed up feeling and frustrated feeling as to why you couldn't just come to an understanding of your feelings. You desperately wanted to sort them out, but if you came to a concluding resolution, one that made you aware that you had feelings for a certain blondie...were you sure that he would even exchange the feelings?

     Were the hints that he dropped even mean that he liked you? Was a confession from you going to end with him laughing in your face, before he came to a rejection? Were you going to be heartbroken from your first attempt to a confession?

"Y/N-chan! Tsukishima-kun is calling you- wait! Y/N-chan! Where are you going?!"

Your legs acted without consulting your brain. Before you knew it, your legs were making a run for it down the hall. Away from everybody. Away from the eyes of the student body, away from Etsuko-chan, away from Chiho-chan, and most importantly, away from Tsukishima. You couldn't look at him, no, you would make a fool of yourself.

'I have to think before I do something. If that means I have to avoid him, I'll do it. Just please Tsukishima, don't give up on me.'

'I'm sorry...but I can't face you properly until I can really confirm what is going on inside of me.'

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐒𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 [𝐓. 𝐊𝐞𝐢]Where stories live. Discover now