LO 𒊹︎︎︎ Alien Friends! ft. Guardians of the Galaxy

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And so the GG is finally here!

Oh and Peter's a Stark, Harley's a Banner and MJ's a Fury uwu

Prolly edit later XD


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"Are they here yet?" Morgan asked Loki on the couch.

Today, their friends from outer space has called and said they'll be visiting Earth. This excited everyone. Steve, Tony, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, and Thor then got on that quinjet to safely guide the guardians' ship into their planet.

"Nope." Loki who was as usual in his favourite spot of the lounge room with his book replied lazily at little Stark.

"Awee." Morgan pouted and sighed before playing with her dolls again on the velvet carpet.

"TUN DARARAN!" Shuri came out from nowhere and jumped onto the couch, making Loki groan internally.

"We have came to gather and wait for our fellow heroes' arrival!" Peter said as he dove beside Loki on his left.

"I'm making shakes for our visitors!" Harley announced from the kitchen behind them.

"Oooh!" Shuri, Ned, and Peter clapped their hands in excitement. MJ shook her head and smiled at her friends as she sat quietly beside Peter.

"Do we have enough cookies left for them too?" Morgan asked with a grin.

"Yup I think Bucky made a fresh batch earlier before they left." Peter said to Morgan.


"Blah blah blah." Sam mocked as soon as he entered the lounge room, they didn't notice the sound of the elevator.

Scott following behind the man, shook his head as he went straight to the kitchen to grab himself some milk tea. Oh yes, he bought one earlier and placed it in the freezer.

"Hi uncle Sam! Hi uncle Scott!" Morgan waved her hand at the two grown men who just arrived.

"Wassap little Stark." Sam fist bumped Morgan before sitting beside Ned on the couch.

"Are they here yet?" Morgan asked Sam.

"Er not yet little homie." Sam replied casually and eyed everyone in the room.

"We were just called here to gather for their arrival. Anytime soon for sure." Scott spoke as he sipped on his tea. He took a seat beside Sam.

"Are they still upset about the prank we pulled?" Ned whispered to Shuri. Well kinda whispered- Sam can hear him.

"A bit." Sam and Scott commented in unison.

"Pfffft HAHAHAHAHA It WaS hIlAriOuS." Shuri wheezed and slapped Loki's arm beside her on her left.

Loki rolled his eyes and continued to read his book, hoping everyone will shut up soon.

"It was not!" Sam groaned and covered his face with the pillow on the couch.

"It would have been funny if it were just Sam but I was there so not cool at all-"

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