LO • IronStrange 𒊹︎︎︎ The New Recruit ft. Shang-chi

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Peter's adopted by Tony Stark and Pepperony isn't married here- well the multiverse does exist so this oneshot is canon to me :D

Tho honestly this book is literally a different AU since all the crazy stuff (multiverse of madness etc) that's been happening to the mcu isn't really that mentioned here. Since this book is more on just comedy and wholesomeness. In short, it's fanfic🤷🏻‍♀️


Enjoy the oneshot :>

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The avengers were in a meeting, including Peter of course. It wasn't just any briefing though, it was an important meeting regarding something new that they just found out. Fury sat at the end of the table and Steve was right across him. The others were seated on the sides, half bored and half interested. Peter was excited when he was actually invited to join their official meeting which wasn't on zoom call this time.

"Alright to make this quick, we have a new super human. He's from San Francisco-"

"Super human?"

"What's his abilities?"


"Damn these supes just keep popping up everywhere."

"The more the merrier!"


"...Wait let Fury speak first-"

"Okay shut up now children, let me finish!" Fury groaned when everyone started talking over one another. He too was excited to share about this new superguy but everyone just had to ruin the morning.

"... He's from San Francisco and his name is Xu Shang-chi but his english name is Shaun. This video here from a livestream and another we found deep in the web showcases his abilities in fighting." Fury showed them the video of a guy fighting some men in a bus and another video of him in a cage fight in Macau, China.

"He...looks normal to me?" Clint spoke as he squinted his eyes at the video.

"What's so super with him that it gained your attention?" Natasha wondered, her back leaning on the chair with her arms crossed.

"He has possession of the rings." Bruce spoke up and Fury nodded his head and showed them some images of the said rings on the hologram screen in front of the room.

"Rings?" They all questioned.

"They're not ordinary rings. They come from somewhere we don't know yet and his father came in possession of it a long time ago before passing them to Shaun." Stephen spoke as well since Wong told him about the rings.

"Are they magic rings?" Peter wondered in awe.

"We have no clue." Bruce shrugged. "But it's powerful." Everyone nodded.

"Damn. So what are we going to do about him Fury?" Sam asked.

"Well we planned of having him move here in the compound with you guys to monitor him better. We still don't know who's side he's on since his father was known to be... Well I'm sure you all heard about him already." Fury sighed and they all nodded except for Peter who has no clue what's going on.

The Potato Squad And The Avengers [Oneshot Episodes] V1-2Where stories live. Discover now