SO 𒊹︎︎︎ Lonely Spider

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The avengers know Peter here
Tony had adopted Peter here
Pepperony is married

Update: Don't worry if the start of this book is a bit sad, it's really not if you continue reading it :D

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No one in school really liked Peter. Not because of his attitude, but because of how smart he is. Students felt dumber with him. He did not know why. He did not understand why they did not like him. They had a different standard. But whenever he was Spider-man, everyone loved him. Despite all his flaws he was accepted behind the mask.

"Yo Parker, why daydreaming?" Flash knocked on Peter's head like it was a door.

"Quit it Flash." Peter rolled his eyes as he close his locker.

"Ah I never thought you'd speak up for yourself." Flash laughed.

"I can but I just let you go on and get you dumber and dumber." Peter shrugged. He was pained so much that he did not care anymore.

Thankfully Flash left him after that, having nothing for a comeback.

Usually Peter would sit in the cafeteria with Ned and MJ but today it was just him. Ned had a dentist appointment and MJ was absent. He never realized how lonely he was without his friends. It was way different than being spider-man. He wanted to text Ned or MJ in hopes to at least not feel so alone but he remembered, he left his phone at home.

"Alright before we start our lesson, who was Leonardo da vinci?" Peter's art teacher asked.

Classes were boring as usual for him as he raised his hand to answer. No one other than him bothered to raise a hand.

"Yes..Parker." Their art teacher smiled, knowing the bright boy in her class.

"Uhm Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci--that's his full name, known as Leonardo da Vinci, was an Italian polymath of the Renaissance...whose areas of interest included invention, drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, paleontology, and cartography. That's all ma'am." Peter bit down his lips hoping it wasn't too much. Sometimes he likes to talk a lot especially when it's his favorite topic.

Some students even rolled their eyes at him. Peter has always been a geeky person, the best of the best since freshmen year.

Their art teacher blinked and placed a warm smile.

"Thank you Parker. Now I will be teaching you how..." Then Peter blocked off what she was talking about and started thinking about some other things instead.

By the end of the day, he was still all alone as he closed his locker, knowing he doesn't have assignments for the day. He was thankful he survived school with no companions.

Suddenly the hallway was filled with murmurs and were all running towards the exit, excited to see what was outside.

With Peter's curiousity, he followed along the students to look what was going on outside the main entrance.

"Oh no, oh no shit, why did he have to pick me up like this?!" He whispered to himself, he was pissed off.

"Hey Penis, guess who's outside? Tony Stark! Ha! I bet he's here to embarrass you about your fake internship!" Flash roughly pushed Peter aside.

Peter sighed, he'll embarrass me alright.

"Peter you should've come clean! Now the iron man is going to kill you!" Another student bursted out laughing not so far away from where he was standing.

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