LO • Interview 𒊹︎︎︎The Sugar Problem

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Hey there! I hope you had a great day!

Take note, this one is not that much filtered when it comes to the bad words.


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[ Interview ]

(fades in)Tony Stark, the rich daddy (fades out)

"Oh wow, we're... we're back here again. What's the interview about this time?" Tony sighed as he shifted around on the chair, uncomfortable. He was wearing one of his favourite expensive suits, it was one of those days that he just felt like looking fancy- he has a date later with Pepper.


Harley Banner, the interviewer

"Yes, we are. I'll be interviewing today about... Peter." Harley responded. He was seated across with a camera beside him.


Steve Rogers, the ass of america

"What about Peter?" Steve furrowed his eyebrows, the camera was switching between each person being interviewed so that Harley doesn't need to say it again and again throughout the interview.


Natasha Romanoff, the mama spider

"Peter? What's wrong?" Natasha furrowed her eyebrows, quickly thinking what the kid must've done wrong. She actually didn't like the interview session things her family puts up but it does help with small problems.


"The...sugar issue." Harley sighed as he prepared his clipboard. He glanced at the camera while talking before looking back at who he was interviewing.


Scott Lang, the world's best grandma

"Ah! Peter right of course, the sugar problem." Scott caught on real quick, casually eating his orange slices that Vision did for him since the android likes the feeling of preparing food to eat but not really eating it so he gave it to Scott.


Sam Wilson, the flying bird man

"...HUHUHUHU." Sam bursted into tears when Harley said that. "Damn it, give me a second." He sniffled some more, surprising Harley. The boy handed him some tissues while staring at the movement sensored camera in the room besides the one he uses to document the interview.


Clint Barton, the arrow bird man

He started laughing when he remembered what happened with all of Peter's sugar rushing days. "W-wait give me a sec-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"

Harley covered his face knowing Clint could remember everything.


Vision, the walking android

"Hmm, I must say Peter is quite terrifying when he consumes candies." He said calmly. "I can explain through detail with how Peter-"

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