SO 𒊹︎︎︎ The Avengers and Their Daily Chores

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Henlo! I recently found out that there are sites that will copy-paste your stories and use it for their own benefits and an old story of mine was in one of those sites :< So please please please, if you my dear readers found my content on any other sites or platforms, please tell me cuz I will take away their souls- I mean do some legal actions.

So I'll probably put this on every oneshot from now on: THIS STORY IS ON W*TTP*D , CREATED BY RESE_OFFICIAL (just in case cuz I have trust issues)

Anyways, Enjoy! (Refrain from commenting NWH spoilers etc in the comments thank you)

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So you might be wondering, does the avengers have maids or do they do their own chores at the HQ? Well to answer your question, yes they do have responsibilities at home. Each day of the week, they all have specific tasks to do. The ones who mostly hand out these tasks are Natasha and Steve.

Everyone was in the lounge room at six in the morning on a Sunday. It was time to assign chores. Technically, Tony has people hired to do some of the big chores like sweeping the lawn and stuff but for the smaller chores like cleaning inside their living quarters- it's the avengers' duty. Of course they're not that good at most chores but at least they try to do normal human things.

"Alright everyone, it's a nice sunny sunday and it's chore time. The chores are written on pieces of paper in this bowl. You will all get to pick a chore with no biases, just pure luck." Natasha smirked as she shook the bowl to shuffle the pieces of paper.

One by one, they took a paper while having their backs on the bowl to make sure no one was cheating.

"Nice, I got window cleaning. This will be easy." Clint chuckled as he read his paper.

"Aw man, toilet duty?" Pietro groaned in his hands.

"...I have to clean the air vents? Great." Bruce sighed. The air vent was recently filled with bird feathers from a prank war, thanks a lot Pietro.

"Oooooh vacuuming!" Peter grinned knowing he'll finish in no time before he and MJ will go on a date.

"Quick question, can we switch chores?" Bucky asked with a raised hand as he stared at his paper.

"Nope!" Steve and Nat said at the same time.

"Fvck I'm doing the laundry." Sam cursed under his breath.

"I as well!" Thor beamed a smile across him from the couch. Sam facepalmed.

"How come Stephen doesn't have a chore?" Tony raised an eyebrow. He had 'wash the dishes' duty.

"Because he doesn't live here." Steve responded with crossed arms. Mom mode activate.

"He's always here though- are you slacking from your responsibilities as a wizard king whatever?" Clint also poked into the conversation.

"I only come over at least two times a week." Stephen rolled his eyes and sipped on his milk tea tumbler.

"But you-"

"Enough, enough, the three of you. Let's just do our chores now to finish early!" Natasha clapped her hands loudly to make everyone stand up from the couches and get their asses to start cleaning.

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