LO 𒊹︎︎︎ Crazy Hiking ft. The Avengers

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PART 2 of Steve's scouting trip!


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"RISE AND SHINE CAMPERS!" MJ covered her ears, the moment she heard Steve with a metal pot and laddle outside her's and Shuri's tent. It had been three days and she wanted to go home and never return to this campsite ever again. She even wondered how she got dragged into this shit. Hanging out with the Avengers was cool but this ain't cool no more. It's horrifying.

"WAKE UP WAKE UP!" Steve blew his whistle too. One by one everyone woke up from their uncomfortable tents. Scouting means baring with the wilderness so they had to sleep with those sleeping bags and no proper floor since their tents wasn't the modern type ones.

Everyone was still sleepy as they got out of their tents and made their way towards Steve and Bucky. Team building or scouting, same thing!- it still wasn't working out for them and they just wanted to go home already. No one even dared to say no to the captain even though they badly wanted to teleport home.

"Good morning everyone, today we will be hiking up the woods!" Steve said enthusiastically.

"Yey..." Everyone said it rather dryly, even Ned and Scott was tired of it by now.

"So get changed and bring your water bottles, compases and maps, we're hiking old fashion style!" Steve said.


Time skip brought to you by Notyor653, officious, and Rose6249. They've been having a conversation in one of my oneshots and I must say they were interesting XD

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"Let's do this!" Bucky clasped his hands together and lead the group up the dirt path. "We'll get to see some waterfall up there and the view is amazing so this will be worth it." Steve added as he stayed behind the group.

"Are you sure we can trust them?" Vision whispered to Stephen as they started hiking up.

"Uhm... I don't know. Bucky even read the manual upside down last time and- they're both pretty much from another century- so no." Stephen shivered at the thought and gave Steve a side glance.

So they started up the forest, sweat was evident on their temples as they all carefully walk up the rocky path.

"PHONEEEEE I MISSSSS YOUUUUU ALREADYYYYYYYY!" Pietro yelled dramatically beside Ned. Some got startled at his sudden loud voice.

"Shhhhhhh!" Steve from the back shushed him.

"I MISSSSSSS YOU PHONE!!!!!!!" Now Clint joined in too.

"I MISS MY LABBBB!" Shuri then too yelled.

"I MISSS HOME!!!!!" Sam shouted too.

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