LO 𒊹︎︎︎ Peter's Online Class Disaster

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The title says it all!

Sorry to keep you waiting :))

I didn't re-check it so you might see some gramatic errors sorry!

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Peter looked around the common room making sure nobody was there and set down his laptop on the kitchen counter that separates the kitchen from the living area. He put on his red hoodie and sat infront of his laptop, opening it.

He logged into zoom and waited to get connected into the video call.

"Glad you could finally join us mr. Parker." Peter's teacher, mrs. Williams said. Her face popping up into the screen, followed by other faces of the rest of the class.

"Hey Peter!" Ned smiled and waved his hand, making his small box on the screen blur a bit as he moved around.

"Hey..." Peter nervously chuckled. "Sorry I'm late mrs. Williams, I had to look for a proper place to station my laptop."

Mrs. Williams nodded as she continued on talking to the class, occasionally the students will say something funny and everyone will laugh for about a minute before their teacher threatens them and they turn quiet again.

Peter increasingly felt anxious as time went by and he didn't know why.

"Uhm, I need to use the bathroom mrs. Williams, I'll be right back." Peter scratched the back of his neck as his face turned red.

"Pffft." Some of his classmates laughed as mrs. Williams just nodded in agreement. "Don't log out, just be quick." She said and Peter hurriedly went off after muting his box.

Now all you can see on Peter's small box is the island, the leathered couches, a big flat screen telly, and curtains on the left side covering the huge ass glass panes. Some noticed the big room but didn't talk about it, afraid to disturb mrs. Williams.

The teacher continued on the class without Peter.

Suddenly, the elevator dinged and out came Stephen in his sorcerer supreme outfit, a book on his hand and cold milk tea on the other. Levi(the cloak) was following him as he took a seat on the couch.

"What the fuck?" Flash spoke out and earned a glare from mrs. Williams as she continued talking, not minding what she saw on Peter's small screen. "Did you guys saw the man?!" Another one exclaimed.

Of course Stephen didn't hear them, the laptop had earphones attached to it. He was chilling on the couch while Levi tugged on his sleeve, pointing his edges on the kitchen counter but Stephen didn't mind Levi as he continued reading.

Soon after that, Bucky arrived on the floor, walking towards the kitchen. He noticed the laptop facing on the living area and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Who's laptop is this?" Bucky asked at Stephen, the doctor looked up from reading his book and shrugged.

Bucky sighed and continued on making himself some coffee. He glanced at the laptop before heading out the kitchen and went over to where Stephen was seated.

The students on the other side of the screen was all screaming when they saw Bucky on Peter's screen.

"Is that the winter soldier?!" One boy exclaimed, shaking his camera around.

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