LO 𒊹︎︎︎ Peter's Birthday Celebration (Part 2)

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Hey! Here's part 2 of Peter's Birthday! 🎉

So ASherbatsky requested on sending the avengers on a vacation! I already did that when they went to the beach resort so this time it's for Peter's bday✨


• • •
(A day before Peter's Birthday)

"Tomorrow is Peter's Birthday. I want all of you to do your best and stay in character. If one of us slips up, there won't be a surprise celebration that Peter deserves. Are we clear?" Steve was walking back and forth in front of the avengers. The team all stood before him, eyeing him as he walked from both opposite directions with his hands on his back.

"Yes Captain!" The team responded. They were slightly squinting their eyes at the sunlight hitting their faces. They were in the hidden book club area, planning for Peter's Birthday.

"Okay so who among you all can't keep secrets? Tony, who wasn't a part of the lineup and was just sitting on a chair on the side, asked with raised eyebrows.

Harley, Shuri and Wanda's twins raised their hands with no hesitation.


"I'm not a snitch. Snitches end up in ditches." Morgan giggled and did a lip seal gesture with her finger. The others couldn't help but laugh at how adorable she said it.

"Alright then. The four of you and the rest of Peter's friends need to avoid interaction as much as possible if we want this to work." Tony responded and the others nodded.

"Can we do something to contribute though? I mean we still want to help out." Harley asked.

"Well... we can send you guys early to the xxx resort and do the decorations and organizing?" Steve suggested.

"AWESOME!" The kids responded.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road!"

• • •
(Peter's bday)

"He's awake, everyone." FRIDAY announced downstairs in the lounge room. Everyone was already massaging their faces and practicing their for-emergency-lines.

They all proceeded on doing their normal activities as Peter entered the room. Loki, Thor, and Stephen weren't informed about the surprise party so they were the most natural actors.

"Wow who promised you candy today? You're all excited and jumpy." Sam commented at Peter's behavior as he sip on his coffee to hide his laughing facade.

"Well I do hope there's candy today." Peter giggled as he sat down on the dining table with some of the team. He obviously had no clue.

"What's the occasion?" Wanda furrowed her eyebrows to act confused. She watched Peter's mood still up and jolly.

"It's a very special day!" Peter exclaimed as he munched on his food.

Tony, who finally settled down his funny bone, entered the lounging area and went to the dining table to ruffle Peter's hair and kissed his head. He walked past him to go to the kitchen while holding in a grinning face.

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