LO 𒊹︎︎︎ In the Supermarket with the Avengers

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So here's a new one! Enjoy! :D

Peter is living with the avengers(pretty much in all my oneshots Peter is Tony's kid so yeah)

• • •

"No. You all can't come with us." Stephen sighed as he stood by the elevator with Natasha. The whole team was talking at the same time trying to let Stephen agree but he didn't.

"Come on, there's nothing to do here why not let us come along?" Tony groaned and the others agreed.

"You have a freaking pool in here Stark." Stephen rolled his eyes.

"We do?!" Peter, Pietro and Scott gasped on the couch.

"Yeah but the cleaners are cleaning it right now." Tony replied.

"I don't understand why we can't come along with you two." Clint pouted, his arms draping on the couch.

"Because you guys create a crowd everywhere." Natasha rolled her eyes.

"No we don't." Bucky snorted.

"Remember disneyland?" Natasha glared and the others made an "Oh" sound.

"Why can Stephen come along?" Sam pointed out.

"I need another pair of hands with the groceries and he doesn't attract much attention than you pigs." Natasha sighed, her hands on her hips.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH." Tony laughed all of a sudden, making everyone look at him weirdly. "It's funny that Strange isn't that famous."

Stephen glared at him and opened a portal beside him, making Tony widen his eyes.

"WAIT- I WAS KIDDING!" Tony had a look of horror when he saw the glowing orange portal beside him.

The others shook their heads and ignored him.

"Alright me and Stephen are leaving." Natasha said but before they could've left, Peter spoke.

"Can't they like put on disguises? Like how they sabotaged my date?" Peter spoke out and everyone started agreeing.

Stephen and Natasha exchanged glances and they weren't really liking that idea.

• • •

"Yey." Scott clasped his hands as he wore a fake mustache. Everyone with him was also wearing wigs and disguises. Peter, Natasha, and Stephen were the only ones with no stupid costumes on.

"I want you all to behave alright?" Steve said through their earpiece, no one bothered to reply.

"Remember we are here for grocery shopping." Natasha said as they made their way to the supermarket. "I gave you each a list to find what we need, don't freaking mess it up." She glared before dissapearing inside the supermarket.

"Alright team, it's grocery time." Clint smirked as he sprinted towards the frozen meat section.

"Let's see, my list says we need coffee, creamer, and sugar." Pietro recited as him, Wanda, and Vision went to another section.

The Potato Squad And The Avengers [Oneshot Episodes] V1-2Where stories live. Discover now