LO 𒊹︎︎︎ The Potatoes' 1st Mission Together ft. Nick Fury

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This oneshot is where Peter and his friends went on a mission!

(MJ is Fury's niece

Harley is Bruce's adopted child

Peter is Tony's adopted son

to recap and for those who hasn't read previous oneshots)


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(SHIELD BASE, morning)

"Hello everyone, thank you for attending your very first SHIELD meeting with me." Fury said as he walked around the conference room. Five clueless teenagers sat on the swivel chairs infront of him.

The avengers managed to encourage Peter, Harley, Shuri, Ned, and MJ to join SHIELD'S Junior Training. The teens were hesitant of course since Fury was going to be their personal coach.

Shuri raised her hand. Fury nodded at her.

"They promised me buffalo wings if I attended, where's the food?" She frowned. Her friends laughed at that making her raise an eyebrow. Fury sighed.

"There are no buffalo wings in this meeting, whoever told you that lied to you." Fury rolled his eyes making Shuri pout in the back.

"Anyways, the avengers will be pretty busy next week so we need another group to do this mission." Fury stopped walking around and stood there glaring at them.

The teens blinked at him.

"...That means you guys. You will be that group to go on this mission."

"WHAT?!" They exclaimed.

"That's really cool!" Peter's eyes widened in excitement and he and Ned high fived.

"Wait hold up!" Harley shushed everyone.

"Yes?" Fury raised an eyebrow.

"You're sending me , a skinny freak white boy with Spider-man, Wakandan Princess, MJ-probably an assassin-, and Ned who's a genius hacker?" Harley gestured his hands around.

"Yes." Fury furrowed his eyes.

"You're serious?"

"Yes, I am. Harley you're a tech genius yourself. This will be really helpful for you to develop some... combat skills as well." Fury said.

"Dude it will be really awesome!" Peter squealed. Shuri joined him.

"But I'm no genius nor superhuman, uncle why am I included?" MJ sighed.

"Because you're going to be a part of SHIELD in the future. Isn't it too obvious?" Fury sighed.

"Alright now quit the questions, let me explain the details now." Fury cleared his throat and pressed a button on a small remote he was holding. The room walls darkered and a hologram screen appeared in front of them.

"The five of you will be-"

"By the way, does our parents slash guardians know we're going on this mission? You know... incase something goes wrong." Ned chuckled nervously.

The Potato Squad And The Avengers [Oneshot Episodes] V1-2Where stories live. Discover now