LO • Field Trip 𒊹︎︎︎ Field Trips Are Bias

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This version, the avengers know who Peter is!

I have another one following where the avengers doesn't know Peter but only Tony Stark does.

Update: "LO" in the titles stand for Long Oneshot!

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No one could've prevented it and no one could've done it on pupose. If only Peter can predict the future before he went to school that Wednesday.

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"Since we won the contest last summer, I think it is just right for us to accept the school's offer." Their teacher, mr. Harrington said.

"What do you mean offer?" The decanthlon team all sat there interested in whatever this prize is. Oh and Mj asked.

"We fortunately got a field trip!" He clasped his hands and the students rejoiced.

"Where? Where?!" Flash was enthusiastic about this. He's excited to post whatever field trip this is in his instagram.

"Stark Industries!"

This is totally the moment Peter turned pale and almost fainted---not because he's excited but because he is horrified of the idea.

"Oh look at this sucker, scared are we buddy?" Flash nudged him in a teasing manner.

Peter did not say anything really but mr. Harrington glanced at him to check because he was noticeably pale.

"Are you alright Parker? You're kind of pale.." He said.

"No I'm fine sir.." Peter forced up a smile.

'No I'm not FINE!' He thought to himself.


When class had finished for that day, Peter was still feeling kinda..he does not even know how to explain it.

"Happy can I not go to school tomorrow and Friday? I kind of feel sick.." Peter set up his excuse as soon as he got inside the car, Happy picks him up everyday.

"No your not sick, you'll do fine in that field trip of yours." Happy replied.

Peter sighed, "Nevermind..wait..how did you know about the field trip?"

"Tony made me set it up. Sorry kid." Happy shrugged.

"Of course he did." Peter was now frowning and he still was up till the compound.


Friday. The field trip was that day and he seemed to made it without excuses. Pepper signed his slip that morning as he went to school to ride back home---ironic really.

"Someone's getting busted~" Flash sing sang as he laughed at Peter.

"Just ignore him dude.." Ned would say every time.

So Peter did for his sake.

"Today I'm proving that you Penis Parker is a liar." Flash remarked and smirked as they all one by one went inside the school bus.

The Potato Squad And The Avengers [Oneshot Episodes] V1-2Where stories live. Discover now