LO 𒊹︎︎︎ The Baby Peter Problem

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Henlo everyone! Thank you so much for waiting for this new update!

I announced in my profile why I haven't uploaded :,)


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"This has to be a fcking nightmare right." Sam had his arms crossed and eyes widened as he sat across the tiny human in the lounge room. Scott, Pietro, and Vision blinked as they stared at the baby.

"Dada!" The baby cried.


Rewind back to a few moments earlier.

• • •

"So I've been working on this formula for anti-aging." Bruce told Tony and Harley in his laboratory. They were currently busy experimenting something.

"Uhuh." Tony nodded as he tinkered around the room. He was looking for his screwdriver that he believed he left in Bruce's lab.

"Have you tested it?" Harley asked as he kept spinning around on the stool he was on.

"Not yet." Bruce responded.

"Why is it in a mayo jar though?" Harley pointed at the anti-aging cream inside the mayo jar.

"I unfortunately ran out of jars so I looked for a spare from the kitchen." Bruce replied.

"Are you guys hungry? Cause I am. I'm heading up the penthouse for some snacks." Tony who gave up looking for his screwdriver said.

"I'll come with." Harley got off the stool and followed the billionaire. "I heard Bucky's making cookies."

"Dad? You coming with us?" Harley stopped to ask his adopted father who was writing something down. "You could really use a quick break."

"Sure." Bruce nodded and followed the two other geniuses up the elevator.

Moments later, Peter arrived on the floor with his usual pressed sandwich from Delmar's Deli-Grocery. He just got back from school.

"Hey guys...?" Peter shrugged when he didn't see any of his lab fam. He sat on the stool, Harley sat on earlier and looked around.

I guess uncle Bruce has been busy with something... Peter thought as he looked around the holograms with a lot of numbers and formulas on them.

"What's this?" He curiously said to himself when he saw the jar of mayo. "Why is this here?" Peter inspected the mayo jar before opening it and took a quick sniff.

"Oh wow this smells good. I don't think Bruce would mind if I have some for my sandwich right? Hehe." Peter told himself as he poured some of the mayo on his sandwich. After eating his sandwich, he started hiccuping.

"Ugh no- hiccup not again." Peter groaned. "I should get some water and also return this to the fridge." He said and took the jar of mayo with him. He then went on the elevator, still hiccuping.


"Oh hey Petey!" Scott welcomed back the teenager who just arrived at the penthouse.

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