LO 𒊹︎︎︎ The Fake Parent Stunt

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Henlo everyone! Happy new year!
I hope you had a relaxing christmas vacation- well anyways I hope you enjoy this oneshot!

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"Alright students, I know everyone is itching to get home now but don't worry this announcement will be short." The principal in Midtown High School of Science and Technology announced through the speakers in everyone's classroom.

Peter sighed as he leaned back on his chair. Ned and MJ beside him doing stuff in their own little worlds.

"Since the second semester is finally over we'll be having a teacher-parent talk. So please do inform your parents to come by this Friday. That'll be all- be safe on the way home." The announcement ended with a loud ringing pitch.

"Okay- class dismissed." Their homeroom teacher finally said and everyone rushed to pack their stuff up. Some were running out the room already.

"Teacher-parent talk? How am I supposed to bring my parents here?" Peter groaned- he had a long day filled with his Peter Parker Luck(TM). Even though he was adopted by Tony and Pepper Stark- his infamous luck never left his side.

"Well... the principal is the only person aware of your aunt giving you away and marrying mr. Hogan and you getting adopted by the Starks so I guess you're pretty much screwed." MJ shrugged as she closed her locker. The brunet gave her a playful glare before sighing.

"Can't you just ask Pepper to phone the school about not attending the meeting?" Ned suggested as he followed along MJ and Peter out the school after leaving his books in his locker.

"Hm yeah! I guess that could work. Thanks Ned." Peter beamed at Ned, the latter laughed.

"Well see you guys tomorrow!" Peter waved bye to both Ned and MJ before heading inside Happy's car. His bestfriends were also getting picked up by their parents.

"Bye Pete and MJ!" Ned waved bye as he also headed inside his car ride. MJ did the same.

"How was school?" Harold Hogan also known as Happy asked in the driver seat as he drove them home.

"It was okay- just filled with a bunch of unluckiness." Peter responded at the back. "And how about your day uncle?" He asked back. Eversince Happy married his aunt, they've restarted their relationship. Unlike before Happy would just ignore the boy at the back but now he's starting to talk more to Peter.

"It was alright- oh by the way, me and your aunt are going to Hawaii this Wednesday." Happy gave him a smile.

"Oh cool! I'm guessing dad approved your vacation, after all you need it." Peter grinned.

"Thanks." Happy nodded as he made a turn.

• • •

"So tomorrow, me and Tony will be in London for a meeting." Pepper started a conversation during dinner at the HQ.

"What?!" Both Tony and Peter gasped in unison. Their fellow avengers laughed.

"Aw mommy can't I come along?" Morgan pouted beside Pepper.

"Sorry sweetie but we can't bring you there- we're only there for two meetings and not for touring the place." Pepper frowned and patted Morgan's head.

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