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"CATCH IT! PETER DON'T LET IT GET AWAY WITH TONY'S UNDERWEAR!" Harley screamed as they chased a cute little corgi with someone's brief on its mouth.


Alright, before you all get confused and excited, let's rewind from the start!

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The rain was pouring heavily as Peter walked on the cold cemented side walk. Another boring day at school has passed. Unfortunately, Happy wasn't able to pick him up today and the avengers had a meeting so he had to commute home.

He was about to cross the street when he heard a small whimpering sound by the alley way. Curiousity got the better of him- so he turned to check out what it was. Only to find the most adorable creature in a box. A puppy! It was a corgi!

"Hey little guy, you seem cold." Peter frowned at it's figure. It was shivering as the rain soaked it's orange and white fur.

The puppy flinched and moved to the corner, afraid of Peter somehow. The brunet chuckled and smiled at the poor thing.

"It will be so heartless of me to leave you here all alone in the rain, so you are coming with me." Peter made sure to be careful, as he carried the box with the pup in it. He placed the box inside his jacket- below his chest- before zipping it up a bit. Hoping it will help the little guy to warm up.

Throughout the train ride, Peter couldn't help but smile. He was taking home a puppy!

• • •

"Peter I don't think we can let it stay." Tony had his arms crossed, the moment he saw the puppy.

"But dad, it doesn't have a home! It will be so unfair for me if I don't give it the love it needs!" Peter pouted as he pleaded at his dad.

Tony sighed and glanced at the corgi who was seated on the counter, with its tongue out and its big eyes shimmering. The billionaire knew he couldn't resist the cuteness of the puppy. Plus, his kid had a very big heart. It will surely hurt Peter if he won't agree.

"Alright fine it's staying." Tony smiled and ruffled Peter's hair.

"YEY!!!!" Peter cheered, along with the other avengers who were eavesdropping by the lounging area. Tony rolled his eyes playfully at that.

"What should we name it?!" Morgan squealed when she saw the corgi on Peter's lap. It barked cutely at everyone as it wiggled its tail.

"Aweeee." The rest of the avengers awed when they heard it barked.

"Poptart!" Thor with his booming voice said as he sat beside Loki on the couch.

Everyone shook their head at that.

"Gauntlet?" Sam suggested.

Everyone shook their head.

"Cheese Burger!" Morgan exclaimed.

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