Lost dogs and 2nd place

422 13 18

I glared at the message notification which popped up as I browsed my phone, 'Hope you're doing well sweety! Congrats on 2 months on your own!', 2 months already, that's how long its been since I was thrown out of my parents house.

"You're 16 now! I won't have you staying here and becoming a jobless slob relying on the government" shouted the man I called my father, I knew he wanted me out of the house, yet I never thought he'd do this.

"This is screwed up! I don't have a license or any money! How do you expect me to get a job!" I shouted, he wasn't listening, just tossing all my clothes into a suitcase.

There was so much shouting.

My mum dragged me to the front door, she was crying and hugging me, I was trying so hard to get her to see how bad this was, but father had already convinced her.

"I had a friend do some things so just head into the city, take this debit card, it has a thousand dollars, she has set up a job and a room to rent" my mum explained, I was crying.

This was truly the worst day of my life, I gripped the credit card and my phone, I wanted to call Juliet, my best friend, but bothering her with my problems seems obnoxious.

Thankfully my mums friend was a lot of help, even helping me get a free mini fridge, now I live in a tiny room in a shared house, my bed is to small and I have to save every penny for the laundromat.

My boss owns a charity cafe, I get to be a waitress, it's tough work since the cafe is always busy, the customers are generally kind but we do get a few rude people.

I gazed at my phone blankly, reddit was open, yet I had no energy to scroll through it, 2 whole fucking months and my father hasn't sent me a message, at least mum sent me a 'congrats on 2 months' message.

I tossed the phone onto my pillow, this is no time to let myself get annoyed, I have work in an hour, I shouldn't even be lazing about on my phone. I stood up and grab my uniform, I hurried down to the bathroom, hopefully none of the other renters are using it.

The door was open and the light was off, good.

I examined myself in the mirror, work boots on my feet, navy blue trousers and a white shirt encompassed by a black jacket.

My brown eyes had black circles under them, I messily tied up my dirty blonde hair into a bun.

The cracked ceiling was far to noticeable, the mold above the shower seemed to be getting bigger. The whole house is in just as shitty condition, but it's the only cheap place I could get, yet still I'm struggling to pay $100 a week, especially with a phone bill and needing food.

I rushed out of the house and hurried down the street ignoring everyone and thing, once I was ten minutes away I realised I had forgotten my phone.

The sky was bright and the streets loud, all the frowning passerby's unaware of my troubles, my gut twisted, I can't put my phone before my health.

Everyday before work, I go and buy something cheap from my favorite place called 'Food on the move', a few months ago I never thought I'd be able to live without my phone, but food is far more important.

The city was alive as I traveled the streets, today I'll just have something cheap, I have to be more careful with my spending, especially with my prepaid phone plan ending in a week.

I crashed heavily into something firm but flimsy, my heart jumped in surprise. I glanced ahead, a man was scowling at me, I gasped horrified at myself.

"I'm so sorry! I was distracted! Are you ok?" I apologised, my eyes wide with guilt. My slightly outstretched arm was grabbed, he pulled me close, I squeaked in shock, how dare he manhandle me.

The Errand GirlМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя