Blood on my hands

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I blinked open my eyes, catching sight of soft green-painted walls. A hand was softly on my arm, it was warm and soft in the spot, I tensed slowly, turning my head nervously. Staring at me, was Sarah, I let out a sigh of relief.  Wait... I fell asleep? I quickly sat up and looked around, I lay in a soft bed, the bedding soft browns and yellows, with flowery designs. Sarah smiled at me softly. Did someone take me to bed?

"He's having a shower right now hun. I hope you slept well, you looked exhausted" she gently said. I stared at her, she smiled and examined me, clutching my hand. "Are you scared of him?" She asked softly. I froze, I don't know if I should answer... I don't think Daryl wants her to know or be suspicious.

"Uh... I..." I stammered, I really don't know the right thing to say...

"It's alright. I already know everything. When a wife sees her husband has a secret second phone, she suspects cheating or some normal stuff like that. I looked into it a little bit ago. Turns out the phone he uses with me, is in fact the second phone" She laughed, squeezing my hand, my jaw dropped, she knows?!

"I am a little" I stammered, that's an understatement, I don't recall him ever being violently physical with me, other than forcing me to change, but he's still terrifying.

"Yeah, I suspected so. I was shocked when I found out about you, sneaking off with his phone and seeing all the texts, photos and videos... I thought my husband was turning into the kind of person that I didn't want my kid around. Because he's always been a good man, he can't even physically fight due to an childhood injury... I accepted that he would never bring this dangerous side out around us, so when I heard about you, I was angry, I gave him the silent treatment for a few days as I contemplated leaving. But I realised every time something bad happened with you, he just wanted to hold onto me and hide his head... I swear he cried a few times... Honey, I just want to say, I'm so sorry for what's happened" she murmured. Tears filling my eyes, she shuffled closer and pulled me in for a big hug.

"I know that you can finally not be punished and hurt because... A hound? I believe that's the gang's name, won't be around much longer, I also know he's already legally adopted you. I won't force you to see me as a parent, but know that I am here dear, I will do everything to keep you safe" she spoke, I hugged her tight. Crying against her. I could hear her sniffling and feel her wiping her eyes and nose.

"Hey, is Taylor up to show... Oh, is everything ok? What happened?" Came Daryl's voice, footsteps creaking on hardwood floors, I glanced up from Sarah's red shirt, Daryl examining us with worry.

"We were just having a heart-to-heart. After all, this poor baby has fallen victim to the trapper, been beaten up by some druggies and almost died with no medical knowledge" hummed Sarah, so he's been twisting the truth. I looked at her and gently she touched my healing face, pain in her own eyes.

"Maybe you should go and shower Taylor, we'll have breakfast. We can be a little late to work, it'll be a slow engineering day" muttered Daryl, is that the job he's telling Sarah that he has? Sarah handed me a big fluffy blue towel and a face washer. I took it, mumbling my thanks, Daryl in a bathrobe, watching me carefully. I walked past, exploring the warmth of the place, finding the shower with surprising ease.

I closed and locked the door, the shower was full of steam, I suppose he has hot showers. I made the water slightly cooler for myself, checking the label on each bottle to know what they were. Finally comfortable enough to start washing. I finished and stepped out, examining my body, some things beginning to heal over and fade, and others were still dark and painful on my skin.

I redressed into the clothes, I actually liked the outfit, it was cute and adorable. The skirt was wavy and soft, the shirt gentle on my skin, a pleasant outfit. I headed out, finding them in the dining room, plates set up, I sat on a chair and glanced at them. It was silent, but not unpleasant, Sarah smiling as I looked down to my plate. It seems to be pancakes, with ice cream and syrup. A jar of sugar and a jar of honey sitting on the table, supposed to be used on the pancakes at our own wanting.

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