Favours for safety

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I stood and looked around, beginning to walk down the street further, hoping to see something familiar. Massive buildings and skyscrapers blocking my vision. I can't tell which way the slums are. I examined the shining lights and bright colours.

It's not very late yet. Possibly 7 or 8 pm. I remember last month, wanting to see all the city lights, walking around the darkness to take pictures and explore like I was a tourist. But then I had my phone and it was telling me where I was. I can't remember streets very well. I limped around, gazing at all the lights, it'd be so much prettier if I wasn't worried about figuring out where I am.

I pulled up the hoody and stuffed my hands into my pockets, shivering in the slowly getting colder air. I'm glad Kevin got these ones out. I made my way around, stopping by a bridge to look at the lights sparkling over the water. I smiled and leant against the concrete, forgetting for a moment what my situation is, just listening to pigeons coo and the water moving.

I can find my way back later. They want to take my freedom?

No way.

I'm going to enjoy my time away from them, let their gang members prevent me from leaving the city. I don't care. I'm not going to let this destroy me.

With my confidence returned, I watched the cars drive past and followed the pretty lights. I limped along some random tram tracks, watching everything. Lights filled a park and I walked through it. Watching a group barbecue and laugh as they had a late night picnic.

I walked around, unsure if I was walking in circles or not. As I came out the other side, I was relieved I wasn't going in circles. It feels nice to push away the stress to enjoy the city, I needed this. No more sleeping in the rain, I'll find a shelter somewhere.

I walked past a suburb, making random turns, listening to some houses playing loud music and laughter. I could hear angry neighbours shouting. I've never seen this side of society, it's oddly comforting. It's so normal and pleasant.

I was getting confused to see so many establishments beginning to close. Some alcohol place was still open, I seemed to be back into the major part of the city. I yawned, my body so weak and tired, I've walked to much today, I think I might collapse soon.

"Whoa young miss, you're out late, are you ok?" Asked a raggedy man, he tilted his head, he had a dirty beard. He seems homeless.

"I don't have a place to stay" I told him, hoping he'd point me to some homeless shelter, he nodded sadly.

"Heard this to many times, I bet your parents threw you out right? Some people shouldn't parent" he sighed, I gave him a surprised look, he grabbed my hand.

"Look young miss. You seem able bodied, could you do me a favour? I will allow you to sleep in my tent if you do" he said, I looked to the nearby tent, my eyes widening. People live in tents? I thought that was just tv propaganda...

"I am really tired" I muttered, my body swaying slightly, he nodded.

"In this world, things generally are given in exchange for something, other fellas might be brash enough to demand a sexual favour, not I, I'm a man of honour. All I ask, is for you to somehow get me a bottle of any liquor from that store before it closes" he told me. I widened my eyes further, I hadn't even considered anything sexual!

"I don't really have money...." I muttered, he nodded.

"If I can't have liquor, you can sleep under a bridge. I don't mean to be cruel, but it is what it is" he sighed. I nodded, I walked away and rubbed my chin, what am I going to do? I'm hungry and tired.

I sat in an alley, hugging my legs. I wiped my tears, I could really go for just a blanket and pillow at this point. The streets so loud. A figure appeared and I pressed up against the building fearfully.

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