Unfinished plot

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We were at Robin hoods funeral who was also my father he had me before my mother was sick and had Roland. I held back any tears I had to stay strong for my little brother and now my half baby sister. We put arrows with roses on his coffin. Regina and Zelena took me and Roland to my apartment. "You kids are welcome to stay with us." Regina tells us. Roland and I looked at each other. "Is it alright if we stay at my apartment for tonight and pack in the morning?" "Of course. And if you two need anyone to talk to we're here." "Thanks." Roland said to them.

We got out of the car and walked inside. "Do you want stew for dinner?" I ask him. "Can we have daddy's favourite?" He asks me sitting on the chair. "Pasta it is." I start making dinner when I hear the door bell, I open the door and it's Henry. "Hey, come in." We walk to the kitchen. "So you're living at my house tomorrow." "Yeah, we are." "I noticed that you haven't cried." "Okay? And? I'm not a crier, I have other coping mechanisms." "Like?" "She usually bottles up her feelings." Roland says walking up to us. "Roland." I scold him.

Henry opens his mouth to say something but I bet him to it. "I know it's bad to do it. I don't know why I just don't like talking about my emotions." I turn off the oven and get some plates. "Would you like some pasta?" I ask him. "No, it's alright, I've already had dinner." Henry said turning toward the door. "Y/n if you wanna talk about your emotions or anything you know where I usually am." And he left. I sighed. "Roland, after dinner I want you to pack your toys and we'll pack the rest in the morning okay?" "Ok." We has our dinner and packed some things and went to sleep.

Time skip to morning

I woke up to Roland sleeping on my bed, I guess he couldn't sleep. I looked at the time and it's 9. I go into Rolands room and pack his stuff, I look on his bed and see a photo of us with our father. I smile sadly. I put the photo on his bag and went into my room, Roland's still asleep. I heard the door bell ring and walked to the door to see Emma and Henry. "Hey Regina sent us here to pick you guys up since she's currently busy." "Ok, well Roland is still asleep let me just wake him up and pack the rest of my things." I tell them walking to my room.

"Roland, come on buddy time to wake up." "Are we going?" "Yep." I pack the rest of my stuff and we load it all into Emma's car. "Can we stop at Granny's and get some pancakes?" Roland asks. "Sure." "I'll pay." I tell her."No Y/n it's fine I'll pay for it." I nod silently. We get to Regina's and we are told that Roland and I are staying in Henry's room until she has room for us.

(This has been in my drafts for almost a year... I don't know what to do with it anymore so I'm just gonna post it)

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