Cobra kai

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I was there when it happened. When Robby kicked Miguel, my brother off the railings. Mom blamed Johnny and karate, I didn't blame him. I blame Robby and Tory. Robby, if he also showed mercy then Miguel wouldn't be fighting for his life. Tory, if she had just left Sam alone and stopped with the revenge bullshit then life would be better.

Time skip few days later

I was walking around town trying to stop thinking about him when I bumped into someone. "Watch where your going- oh." I look and see it's the bitch herself, Tory.

"Fuck off." I try to walk away. "How is he?" "Still in a coma. Now like I said fuck off." "Why do you hate me? I thought you'd be on my side." "Thinking about it now that you're here I'm just gonna let it out. I blame you for the whole fight. If you had stopped with the revenge stuff Miguel wouldn't be in a coma and our lives would've been easier." She looks hurt when I ranted.

"I'll admit what Sam did was a cunt move but she was drunk out of her head after you taunted her to do the drinking game." I take a deep breath in. "Revenge and violence should never be the answer. This is what will happen. Pain and suffering not just for the people you hate." I say calmly.

"Anything else?" Tory asks looking down at the ground. "Nope I'm done. Never come near me or my family ever again." "What about Robby huh? You blame him?" She asks getting in my face. I chuckle sadly. "Of course I fucking do. He's the one who kicked him." I ran back home.

I opened the door and heard mom crying and grandma consoling her. It broke my heart more than I thought it already did.

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