Random one shot

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(you can choose what celeb you want for this)

You and your Bf/Gf are sitting on the couch watch an episode of The 100.

It shows Lincolns death. You hold eachother while softly crying since this scene is heartbreaking, especially Octavias face.

You fall asleep in eachothers arms

So i did a quick one because i was watching The 100 top ten saddest deaths and the list was.
10. Jaha. Season 5.
9. Sinclair. Season 3.
8. Wells. Season 1.
7. Maya. Season 2.
6. The culling 320 people. Season 1.
5. Finn. Season 2.
4. Jasper. Season 4. (im not crying you are)
3. Lexa. Season 3.
2. Monty and Harper. Season 5. (100 years later)
1. Lincoln. Season 3.

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