Jason Todd (Titans) pt2

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A/n again spoilers for season 3 this isn't in any episodes sorry if it doesn't fit in the show.

I've been grieving the past couple of days, haven't left my room or had a shower. Or even eat. I get a call from an unknown number at first I wanted to ignore it but I got a strange feeling to answer it. "Hello?" I answered trying to not sound like I've been crying. "Y/n? I need help." Wait that can't be?! "Jason? W-what How is that possible you're dead?!" I said jumping out of bed.

"Yeah I was but I'm not now, I need you to meet me. Don't tell the others your meeting me, I'll text you where." He hung up before I could say anything.

Suddenly I got so mad. Do the others know? If so why didn't they tell me? I stomped to the kitchen to see them all there.

Before I walked in I heard the words Jason and Alive. "You guys fucking knew." They all looked at me afraid of what I was say or do. "We wanted to protect you." Gar said putting the pizza down. "Not telling me that my best friend was alive was fucking protecting me? How long have you all known?"
"Two days." Dick can't even look me in the eyes.

I scoffed, grabbed my keys and started walking out. "Where are you going, kid?" Hank asked. "Away from you guys." I get in my car and set the directions into the address Jason sent.

It looks like a old cabin. I knock twice. Then I get a text. 'Password' "Red robin~" I heard a chuckle from inside and I saw Jason. I ran up and hugged him. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting a hug from you again." I said in his chest.

I felt something stab my neck. I look up and see a needle. "What." I felt myself getting sleepy and I see Jason do the little kid wave. My eyes closed. I could feel myself being carried I just couldn't see anything. Why would he do this.

Is this what the titans tried keeping from me? I should've listened to why they were protecting me.

We stopped and I felt Jason carry me to a chair and started tying me to it. "Wakey wakey Y/n." He softly hit my cheek to wake me up. I slowly open my eyes. "Why're you doing this?" "Revenge on you and the titans." He gets some stuff from a table and starts playing with it.

"I've done nothing to you except care for you." "You left me to die to the Joker!" He yelled in my face. "He gave me a fucking concussion after he hit me. I tried believe me I fucking tried." I could taste the tears streaming down my face.

"Really you're crying?" Jason replied. "Pathetic." "Not like you haven't cried before." I said trying to get out of the ropes. "Not anymore." He inhaled the toxin. "After Joker killed you it hit me like a bunch of bricks fell on me, I thought I wasn't going to see you again or hold you. Jason you know I couldn't save you."

"You could've tried." He yelled. "I did!" I exclaimed. "Then why aren't you dead?!" I didn't know how to answer him. "Exactly." He left.

"Fuck me." I muttered. What the fuck do I do? He clearly doesn't care if he kills me, he can't really use me to get to the others. I have to try and get out of here. The chair is wooden so I can try to break it but that involves untying my legs.

Fuck it. I went on my tip toes and smashed myself on the floor. It worked but that was very painful I'm not doing that again. I look for things I can use as weapons incase Jason comes back.

I look out the windows to see if there's any fire escapes but all the windows are stuck closed. The only way out is in. I go through the door Jason left through, and of course I run into him. "I don't want to hurt you Jason, if you just listen." "I'm done with listening." We started throwing punches until he gets me on my back.

"Why are you acting like I'm the one who killed you." I groan. "Shut up." He growls. I kicked him in the hip and pushed him off of me. I put a knife to his throat while sitting on his sore hips. He looked up at me with something other than anger in his eyes I can't quite put my hand on it.

"I'm sorry." I jabbed the toxin he put in me before. "I love you Jason, please don't forget it. I hope one day you'll forgive me for this." I take his guns and left as fast as I could.

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