(Newt) requested

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I run to find Newt and Thomas, I see them fighting so I run towards them. "Newt!" I yell, they both look at me, Newt has thick black blood running down his mouth while holding a gun to his head but Thomas shoves it out of his hands. Newt makes thid werid noise and wrestles him, Thomas gets him off, I help him up.

"Thomas whats happening?" "Newt isn't Newt anymore." he says out of breath. Newt grabs his knife and swings at us, he knocks me down and tries to stab me. "Newt please" I plead.

Thomas gets Newt off of me then he continuously swings at Thomas until I hear someone get stabbed, I see thomas backing away and I know Newt stabbed himself. I see Newt fall to the ground with the knife impaled into him. "NO!" I scream, I run up to Newt and cradle him in my arms as I cry.

"A-anna i l-love you" he stutters. "I love you too" i cry. He takes his last breath and i cry harder, Thomas holds me while we cry together. Minho, Brenda, Gally and Frypan (i think) come they all gather round Newt's body while Thomas lets go of me grabs the gun and runs.

*time skip*

Thomas gives me a letter he said that Newt left one for me and him, i open it, it reads.

Dear Anna
I want you to know i'm not scared, well not of dying anyway it's more forgetting, it's losing myself to this virus thats what scares me, so everynight I've been saying their names out loud, Alby, Winston, Chuck and i just repeat them over and over like a prayer and it all comes flooding back, just the little things like where the sun hits the glade at that perfect moment right before it slips beneath the walls and i remember the taste of Frypan's stew never thought I'd miss that stuff so much, and i remember you, our first girl greenie that i instantly fell for i remember our first kiss and especially our first time, know that i love you and i want you to move on i want you to be happy, if you ever feel like you wanna be with me remember im always with you no matter what, thank you for being my best friend and my girlfriend.
Goodbye Annie
Love Newt <3

I walk to Thomas and give him a hug and we sit by the fire and talk.

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