Harry potter (Part 1) #1

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(I might do the whole movie maybe) (also you have powers to turn into a lion and have claws.)

Harry and I were just sitting on the swings talking about his nightmares. And I keep noticing that he stares off into the distance. Then Dudley walked up to us with his sleezy friends.
"Hey Big D. Beat up another 10 year old?" Harry said. "This one deserved it." Dudley smirked. "Five against one, very brave." He says sarcastically. "Well, you're the one to talk. Moaning in your sleep every night? At least I'm not afraid of my pillows. 'Don't kill Cedric' who's Cedric, your boyfriend?"

'I'm gonna kill him' I tell Harry via mind reading. Harry looks at me understanding why I said that. He then looks back at Dudley. "Shut up." "'He's going to kill me, Mum.' Where is your mum? Where is your mum Potter? She dead? Is she dead. Is she a dead Pott-." Harry practically leaped off the swing and put his wand up to Dudley chin.

I walk up to the pair of them. "Harry stop. As much as I wanna do the same thing you know the rules." Then it starts to get windy and dark. "What are you doing?" Dudley asks Harry out of fear. "I'm not doing anything." Then Dudleys gang start running off like a bunch of cowards.

"We need to run." "Why?" Dudley asks, "don't ask just do." We start running. We get to a tunnel and we stop here for a break. We walk slowly to the entrance. Then I start looking at the lights. "Harry the lights are freezing. Oh no." Harry looks behind him and a dementor pulls him up. "Y/n, Dudley run." Then Dudley slips and a dementor gets him. I was about to to a spell when Harry hits the dementor and does expecto patronum.

I try to wake up Dudley. "He's slightly unconscious." I tell Harry. "Vernon's going to kill me." Harry mutters. He sees someone and puts his wand away. "Mrs.Figg." "Don't put away your wand, Harry. They might come back." We get Dudley to stand but Harry put him around his shoulders and I just walked next to Mrs Figg. "Dementors in Little Whinging, whatever next?" "I don't understand how do you know?" "Dumbledore asked me to keep an eye on both of you." "Dumbledore asked you? You know Dumbledore?" I asked. "After you-know-who killed that poor diggory boy last year did you expect him to let you go wandering on your own."

"Now get inside and stay there. Expect someone will be in touch soon. Whatever happens, don't leave the house. Y/n best to stay with him." I nod as a thank you. We walk inside and I wish we didn't. "Who did this to ya boy?" Vernon asks Dudley. He points at Harry.

"Happy, are we, now? You've finally done it. You've finally driven him loopy." Then a owl comes in with a letter. "It's from the ministry." "Dear Mister Potter. The ministry has received intelligence that at 6:23 this evening you performed the patronus charm in a presence of a muggle. As a clear violation of the decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery you are hereby expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hoping you are well, Mafalda Hopkirk." I grab on to Harry's hand. "Justice."

They leave to take Dudley to the hospital we go up to Harry's room and he hits the closet then the picture of his parents fall down. "If you want you can take the bed." Harry tells me. "It's your bed Harry I'll just sleep on the floor." "Or we could both take the bed." "Okay." I lay my head on the pillow and I fall into sleep.

I get woken up by Harry and a bunch of people. "What's happening? I ask sleepily. "Come on Y/n." I hear Tonk's voice. "Tonks?" I get up and hug her. "Nice to see you."
"Enough of dilly dallying we must go now." "But where are we going? The letter said I've been expelled." Harry asks Madeye. "You haven't been. Not yet. Kingsley, you take point." "Dumbledore persuaded the minister to suspend your expulsion pending a formal hearing." "A hearing?" "Yes and Y/n since you were there you're going to the hearing. But don't worry. We'll explain everything when we get back to headquarters."

"Shh. Not here, Nymphadora." "Don't call me Nymphadora." Madeye taps his cane on the ground and everyone gets a broom except for me. "Well great." "You're going to have to go on Harry's. Now. Stay in formation don't break ranks if one of us is killed." We all fly in the air and I hold on to Harry as much as I can. Yeah I hate flying.

We get to a bunch of apartment buildings. Madeye does the cane tap thing and the building splits apart and makes another door. "In you go, son. You too Y/n." We walk in and we hear voices talking about Harry the others go through the door and we see everyone. Then Mrs. Weasley comes up to us and closes the door. "Thank god you both are all right straight upstairs first door on the left."

Then we see a house elf he gives Harry a dirty look. We get to the door and Hermione hugs Harry. And Ron give me a hug. "Hello ging." I say his nickname we made when we were 12. "Hi cub." "Are you both alright? We overheard them talking about the dementor attack. You must tell us everything." "Let them breathe, Hermione." "And this hearing at the ministry. It's outrageous. I've looked it up they simply can't expel you. It's completely unfair." "Agreed." I say sitting on one of the beds.

"There's a lot of that going around at the moment. So what is this place?" "It's headquarters." Ron says proudly. "Of the order of the Phoenix. It's a secret society. Dumbledore former it back when they fought you-know-who." "Couldn't have put any of this in a letter, I suppose? I've gone all summer without a scrap of news." "We wanted to write, mate. Really, we did. Only.." "Only what?" "Only Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything." "Dumbledore said that. But why would he keep me in the dark? Maybe I could help. I'm the one who saw Voldemort return. I'm the one who fought him, who saw Cedric Diggory get killed." Then Fred and George appear and scare Harry.

"Thought we heard your dulcet tones." "Don't bottle it up, though let it out." "If you're all done shouting." "Do you wanna hear something a little more interesting?" There plan is using an extendable ear to hear what the adults are saying. "I'll just stay back here I need to rest anyway." I tell them. I hop into the bed and close my eyes.

3rd person POV

The rest of them walked to the staircase and listened to what the order was saying. "How's Y/n doing?" Ron asks Harry. "She's been practicing her Roar but she can still turn into a lion." "No wonder why she's in Gryffindor."
Back to your POV
I wake up after that little nap and go downstairs where everyone else is I see Harry and Sirius hugging then I see Remus. "Y/n." "Hi Remus." I go up and hug him. "How's your powers going?" "So far so good."

After the reunion we get to the table and we eat. Tonks changes her nose into different animals and Ginny cannot stop laughing. They show Harry a newspaper from the Daily Prophet with the headline 'the boy who lies?' Absolutely stupid. "He's been attacking Dumbledore as well."

A/n 1282+ words yeet I actually wanna start a Harry Potter story but knowing me it might change into a Draco fanfic.

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