The joker (2)

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I sat at the bus stop waiting in the freezing cold night. I left my jacket at the office and I'm already an hour away from work. Then someone with a huge jacket with a hood sits next to me. "Hey doll." "J-Jack?" "Good to see you again." "You we're gone." "I know." "For 3 fucking years." "It was a business trip." He makes up a excuse.

"Bullshit. You were hiding from the cops." He stays silent. "You left me, I thought you were fucking dead." I whisper with tears rolling down my face. "I'm sorry." He looks at me. He's not wearing the paint he usually wears, his scars are more noticeable. "You could've at least told me where you were." "I had to leave earlier than I wanted to." "Stop making excuses, Jack."

"What did you do while I was gone?" "Other than lie to my mother that my boyfriend wasn't missing for 3 years. Nothing. Just worked, came home and cried." "Baby girl I really am sorry." "So what are you doing back here?" He sighs. "The GCPD finally stopped trying to look for me, so I wanted to make my grand re-entrance." I scoff. Then a van comes up in front of us. Jack gets up and walks to the van, then turns to me.

"You coming?" "Go fuck yourself, Joker." He looks at me hurt, then jumps into the van and it speeds off. The bus comes and it takes me to the nearest bus stop near my house. I get to the house and my mom is making dinner. I look up at the clock and it says 8:39pm.

"Mom why are you making dinner now?" "I wanted to have dinner with you." "That's sweet. I love you." "I love you too." I hug her. "Ooh, Tacos."

After the dinner

"Mom I need to tell you something." "What is it?" "You know Jack, my boyfriend." "Who I am still yet to meet, yes." "There's something you should know about him. The last 3 years have been a lie. I haven't seen him for 3 years except for before at the bus stop at 9th street." "Is he real?" "Oh yes he's real. Jack is The Joker." I look down at my plate.

"Why are you dating him?" She asks calmly. "I do love him, when I met him I just thought-." "You could fix him." "Yeah. How did you know." "I was like that with your father. Then he almost killed us." "Why aren't you freaking out?" "I'm not going to yell at you, I mean yes there are other men out there but you can't choose who you love. Even if he does kill people for a living." I give her a huge hug while I'm crying.

"There's also something else I need to tell you." "You're not pregnant are you?" "Hell no. Remember that time last year I came home at 3am, I said that work was going slow. I lied. I went to the Gotham Bridge and I was about to jump off but Batman saved me, I asked him why he saved me and he said the joker would actually kill him if he didn't. I think Batman knows."

Mom hits me with her sandal. "Why would you even think about leaving this world. Honey I still need grand babies." We both laugh. "Now go to bed you need your sleep." "Thanks mom." She kisses me on the cheek. I do my nightly routine but this time I didn't cry.

3rd person POV

Y/n and her mom didn't know it that The Joker was right outside the window listening to everything. "I'm surprised her mother is fine with you boss." One of his cronies said. "Me too." Joker said leaving towards the van.

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