Shawn Hunter (3)?

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Tw: mentions of sexual assault
Based on season 4 ep 15 Chick like me

"Why the hell are you dressed like a woman?" I asked Shawn. "To see what it's like to be a girl." He tells me. "Trust me it's not that fun to be a girl especially living on this earth." "I think you're being a little over dramatic Y/n." "You're not the first guy to tell me that. Come back to me when this whole thing is done." I walk to my class.

I heard someone knocking on the window and I already know who it is. "Hi Shawn." I open the window letting him in. "I know how you feel as a girl now." Shawn sighed. "I take it that the date with Chris was bad." I raised a brow. "Yeah, he grabbed my knee and started rubbing my shoulders. Is that what he did to you on your date with him?" He asked.

"He did more than that. He kept trying to touch my thigh, groped my boobs and my butt." I explained sitting on my bed. "But it only happened once right?" Shawn sat on my bed with me. "Nope multiple guys. One time an old man tried taking photos of my panties on the bus. Another time a random guy was following me so I held my keys between knuckles and went to your trailer park." My eyes start tearing up.

"You okay?" "Yeah I am it's just emotional remembering how scared I was. I'm only a child I shouldn't have to worry about men being perverted." I tell him as he held my hand.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you." "It's the past all I can do now is move on and try to avoid people like that."

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