Billy hargrove part 4

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I open my eyes then squint because the blinds are shit in this motel. I feel Billy's arms around my stomach, and it feels right, like it's meant to happen. I'm guessing it's probably around 7 so I slowly remove Billy's arm and walk to the bathroom to do my business.

After I'm done I walk over to Billy. "Dude wake up. Why do I always wake up before you?" I mumble the last part to myself. "What time is it?" He asks. "7:28. Since we're further from the school it would take us maybe 25 minutes to get there." He groans. "Can't we just miss school today?" "Hell no. Now come on." I force him out of bed and we leave to school.

We get there and Max storms up to us. "Your dad is really mad." She tells Billy. "I already guessed so." He lights a cigarette. She goes to her little group of friends, I look over to Billy, he looks a little terrified. "Come on let's get to class."

We get inside and there's posters about prom everywhere. "Well fuck I forgot that it was almost the end of school." And now my parents are gonna bug me about college. "I'm not sure about prom." Billy says looking at the poster. "You don't have to go if you don't want to." I tell him a little disappointed. I was hoping he would ask me but I guess not.

We walk to our different classes until lunch. Then some girl I forgot the name of pours slushy all over me. "That's for stealing Billy away from me slut." She gets in my face and walks away with her posse. Billy runs over to me and rushes me to the facility bathrooms. "Who'd you piss off?" "Some girl I don't know the name of but she told me that I stole you away from her. Plus she called me a slut. Do you wanna leave early I'm pretty sure my dad should be home." "Alright." We get in the car and leave to my house.

We get there and my dads car is there and the window curtain is wide open. I walk up to the door and it's locked, I go to the window and see my dad with some woman making out on the couch. Tears flow down my face, Billy puts his hand on my shoulder. I speed walk over to Billy's car, And he follows me.

"Can we go somewhere else?" I ask staring at the road. "Yeah I know a place." He drives us to this hill with park benches. "It looks beautiful." "Imagine this at night with the city lights and the moon." He says sitting on the bench.

We sit in silence until he asks. "So after school how are you going to deal with your dad?" "I kinda have an idea. I call my mom saying it's an emergency and hope that she comes home so then I can talk to both of them." "That sounds like an idea." "Anyway what about your dad?" "I don't really know. I guess deal with it like i normally do." "I really don't want you to get hurt Billy." I tell him holding his hands with mine.

"I know."

Billy's POV

I love this girl.

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