Billy hargrove part 1

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Art class begins. Art is my favourite class. "Okay everyone settle down. Now for this project you will need to work in pairs basically one of you has to draw the others facial features. I will be choosing partners. Steve and Grayson, Nancy and Melissa, Tony And Sadie, Amber and Peter And finally Billy and Y/n." Billy walks over to me. "You're drawing me got it." He says sternly. "Yep. We are meeting at my house though." "What's the address." "(Random address)" He nods and goes to the next class.

Time skip.

Billy told me at lunch to meet by his car. When I get to it I see him and his sister. "Who's this?" She asks. "I'm y/n." I hold my hand out. "Max." She says shaking my hand. "Just get in the car both of you. Y/n front seat Max sit in the back." Billy says getting in the drivers seat.

We get in the car and drive off to an arcade place. "You're skating back home be there by 5:30." She mumbles ok. He grabs her hand tightly. "Say you understand." "Okay I understand." He let's go and drives off.

While driving to my house I ask. "Do you really talk to your sister like that." "Shes not my sister." He mumbles. "Ok..." I say quietly look out the window. He sighs and keeps driving. We get to the house and no ones home. I unlock the door and we walk into my room. "Wow not what I expected." "What did you expect it to be?" "Pink and light blue." "I never liked pink I always loved red and dark blue." "I need you to sit on that chair so I can draw you."
Time skip again

"And done." "Can I see?" I show him it and he looks breathless. "Wow." I blush and put the drawing in my art book. Billy looks at the clock in my room and his face turns into a frown. "I have to go I'll come over tomorrow so I can draw you." "Actually my parents are going on a trip and I'm not allowed to be home since they think I'm going to have a party so can I stay at yours?" "Um sure. Cya tomorrow." He says leaving the house. "Bye."

Time skip
Billy's POV

On my way home I think about y/n wanting to come over to my house. I mean dad won't be home and max can just stay in her room. I get out of the car and walk in the front door and see my dad with a beer in his hand.
"Where the fuck were you?" He slurred. "At a friends house why do you care." "You were supposed to drop your sister off here. " "She's not my sister." He gets mad and punches me in the face and my stomach. "Yes she is." And he leaves.

I sit on my bed with tears coming out of my eyes. God I wish I was with y/n now.

Imma do part 2 later

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