Peter Hale

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"You betrayed me!" I yelled in rage at Peter who was my fiancé. "I did it for you! For Malia, even for Derek." He cupped my face. "You were going to kill Scott all because you wanted the power of being an Alpha. How in any way was that going to help me or your daughter?" I drop his hands.

"I never want to see you again." I start to walk out. "What about Malia? You can't keep my own daughter away from me." He smirks. "You're right I can't. But do you really think she's gonna want to see you again after this?" I walk out of his cell in Eichen house.

I get to my car and see Malia in the passenger seat of my car. I get in the drivers seat and we sit in quiet. "Does this mean you aren't becoming my step-mom?" She asks turning her head to me. "I can still be your step-mom or just mother like figure. No matter if I'm still with Peter. It's up to you Malia."

"I could use a mom." She gives me a hug, I almost start crying and hug her back.

I'm on season 6 now

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