Fred weasley

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(You might need tissues)

I go to where Remus and Kingsley are. "Where's Fred and George?" "Over there." "Thanks." I walk over to them. "You okay guys?" "Yeah." "Me too." "Glad you guys are I'm terrified. Anyway I wanted to tell you guys something before everything happens. I love you both." "We love you too." They say at the same time. "Can I get a hug." We hug each other. Then George gave Fred a look, then turned away. Fred put his hand on my cheek and kissed me. "Ya know I meant I love you in a different way than George right?" Fred said smiling. "Don't worry so did I." We kiss again.

"Oh no." I hear Kingsley say. I look behind me and the protection spell is broken. I hear spells being casted and I see people dying. We start attacking every Death Eater that we see. George gets split from Fred and I after a Death Eater hit the castle.

I get hit to the ground and I see Fred with his back to the wall, wand out of his hand and his eyes look dead. "No!" I wail. I look up at the Death Eater that killed him. "Avada Kedavra!" She fell over the rubble.

Kingsley helps me get Fred's body to the Great hall. I look at George with sad eyes. He starts to cry. Then the whole Weasleys came in. I sat in the corner and cried. Then Trelawny comes over to me. "I've felt something from you that I've felt from your father.  You are able to save one life if you save more than one you die." "I thought it wasn't genetic?" "That's What everyone thought until your parents had you." "Thank you." She nods as a your welcome.

I walk over to Arthur. "This is important." We step aside from everyone. "I am able to save one person. And I really want to save Fred but I don't wanna seem selfish." "Sometimes it pays off to be selfish. Plus everyone will understand." I nod. I walk over to Fred's body. "What are you doing?" Ron asks. "Just let her do it." Arthur tells them all.

"Please work." I mutter. "dare vitam redire." I say the spell over and over again. Until my hands went Gold, I looked down at Fred and he still isn't breathing. "It didn't work." A tear rolled down my cheek and fell on Fred's. It started glowing gold then so did Fred's body.

"What's happening?" Everyone asked. Then Fred's hand twitched, then his eyes opened. "Did we win?" He asks groggily. The Weasleys started hugging Fred. "Can I get a kiss from my saviour?" I leaned forward and kissed the love of my life. "I love you, Y/n L/n." "And I love you, Fred Weasley."

(dare vitam redire means to give life in return in Latin)

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