BMW crossover Ouat#5 kinda

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I sit in my room with my boyfriend Shawn hunter reading Peter Pan but not the children's book I bought this off a sketchy guy on the corner because I was bored. "Hey it says that if you stand by your window, balcony or door and whisper I believe, Peter Pans shadow will bring you to Neverland. But beware if you choose to say the words you will be entering a dangerous place." I say reading out loud. "Let me see. Peter Pan is not who you may think he is, he's a ruthless boy who if you wrong him in anyway it will not end well for you." He says reading the paragraph below.

Shawn looks up at me. "We have to do this." "Hell no." I say sitting on the bed. "Don't tell me you actually believe this." He says. "I don't know. I have a really bad gut feeling about this." "Y/n, you said you bought this From a creepy guy it's for sure fake." "Then why do you wanna try it?" I ask crossing my arms. "For fun." "Fine."

He grabs my hand and we walk to the balcony. We both look at each other. "I believe." We say at the same time. After a couple seconds nothing happens. "See told you." Shawn starts going back inside until I spot two yellow dots in the sky. "Wait Shawn whats that." He turns around and stands next to me. Then a shadow with piercing yellow eyes appears in front of us. It grabs both Shawn and I. Then it blows green smoke in our faces and everything goes black.

I wake up and see that we're on a beach. I look next to me and see Shawn still passed out. "Shawn wake up." I shake him lightly. He wakes. "Where are we?" "You're on Neverland." A males voice says behind us. "Who are you?" Shawn says intimately with me behind him. "Peter Pan and who are you two?" He asks, his eyebrow raising. "That's y/n I'm Shawn." "Follow me to camp." Pan says turning around. Shawn grabs my hand. We follow him, we reach a camp site with lots of boys I'm guessing they're the lost boys.

"Lost boys! We have some new lost ones." "That's a girl!" One of them says. "Yes Devin she is a girl now be quiet." Another boy in a cloak says. I squeeze Shawn's hand. He squeezed back calming me down. "Treat them like you would each other." And with that he went to his tent.

Time skip

After who knows how many months or weeks we've been here they all hated Shawn but liked me. Even pan treated me differently than he did with everyone else. Shawn stopped talking to me and I don't know why every time I go near him he goes the other way. While Shawn went out hunting I followed him until I trapped him between some trees. "Shawn, why have you been avoiding me?" "I'm not allowed to talk to you." "Why not?" "Pan told me not to." "Since when has the great Shawn Hunter followed rules." "Since he threatened to kill you in front of me." He says.

I let go of him and walk away. "Where are you going?" "To give Pan and piece of my mind." I walk to Pans tent and entered. "Why did you tell Shawn to avoid me." "I see he told you, how disappointing." He says. "Tell me." I say angrily. "You're mine not his." He says getting in my face. "I'm not an object." "Oh but you're still mine." Was the last thing I heard till I passed out.

I wake up with my hands and legs tied to a tree. I see Shawn on his knees and his hands tied behind him back a gag around his mouth. He looks at me with tears in his eyes. "Finally she's awake." Pan says Evilly. "Let us go." I growl. He walks up to me And caresses my cheek. "How about no." He walks over to Shawn.

"Now as punishment for either of you listening to my rules. Y/n will have to watch the love of her life die." "No. No please." I say trying to get out of the rope. Pan takes Shawn's heart out of his chest. "Hm she really is your true love." Pan says looking at Shawn's heart. "Please don't I promise I'll do what you say." I cry. Pan then crushes Shawn's heart turning it to dust. Shawn falls to the floor dead.

"No!" I continue to cry. "Let her down." Pan says to Felix. Felix cuts the ropes and I drop over to Shawn's dead body. I cradle him saying I'm sorry and I love you over and over again, Until Devin and Fredrick grab me by the arms and kneel me in front of Pan I look down. "Take her to the cages." They Carry me to the cages.

Time skip

After a couple of weeks they put Wendy in the cage next to me. Then some older people who Wendy recognise one of the guys. "Who are you?" The blonde woman asks. "I'm y/n." "She's not from Neverland." She says to the guy Wendy recognised. "No im not I'm from Philadelphia." "That's from our realm." "Realm?" I ask. "What year was it when you left." "1998." "That's 15 years ago." "Geez it's been that long I would be 31." I say.

After more questions they let me out and turns out Pan kidnapped Emma and Reginas kid since he has the heart of the truest believer. "So how did you get here" Emma asks. "Well um my boyfriend and I found a book that told us how to get here and it worked." "Where's your boyfriend?" Killian asks. "He's dead. Pan killed him." Snow comes up to me and rubs my shoulder, I get a motherly touch from her.

Time skip again I'm too lazy.

Once we defeated Pan we took the lost boys with us as much as I wanted them to die on the island for everything they've done. We go to storybrooke and I decided to stay for two nights before going to Philadelphia to see Corey and Topanga and telling them the news. Emma bought me a new phone and gave me hers and Regina's numbers. I wave goodbye to them and flew home.

It turned out that they both moved to New York and have 2 kids. I knocked on the door and two girls opened the door. "Hi does Corey and Topanga live here." "Yes why." "I'm an old friend." "Honey who is it?" I hear Topanga yell. Then I see her. "Y/n?" "Hey panga." Tears come out of both our eyes as we hug each other. "Where the hell were you and why are you still 17." "You remember that book I bought of the corner shop guy. Well we went to Neverland." "You're crazy." Topanga says. "I'm not kidding. Plus I can show you." I put my hand on her temple as memories start playing.

"S-Shawn." She stutters. Then I hear Corey. "Y/n?" Corey says picking me up and spinning me around. "Where's Shawn?" He asks. "Shawn's dead." I tell him. He starts bawling his eyes out. "How." I put my hand on his temple and show him all the memories. We all cry together. "It was good finding you guys." "We missed you." "I missed you guys too." "What are you going to do." Topanga asks. "I'm going to go back to Maine and see what happens then." "We understand." Corey says. I hug them goodbye and fly back over to Storybrooke.

"Hey Regina can I stay in Storybrooke?" "Anytime Y/n." "Thanks."

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